Al Reynolds Says Nia Long Should’ve Stayed With Ime Udoka

Al Reynolds Says Nia Long Should’ve Stayed With Ime Udoka

Al Reynolds Says Nia Long Should’ve Stayed With Ime Udoka


Social media users are sharing their reactions after media personality Al Reynolds weighed in on Nia Long‘s split from Ime Udoka. As The Shade Room previously reported, the pair’s 13-year relationship came to an end in 2022 due to Udoka’s infidelity.

Since then, Long and Udoka have reached a hefty custody settlement regarding their 12-year-old son.

RELATED: Nia Long & Ime Udoka Reach Custody Settlement

Here’s What Al Reynolds Said

Al Reynolds appeared alongside Claudia Jordan and Monroe Flame for a new episode of ‘TEA-G-I-F,’ published via YouTube on Tuesday, January 9. About 13 minutes into the show, the group shared that Udoka had reportedly been ordered to pay Long $32,500 monthly child support.

Reynolds was the first to weigh in with his reaction.

“I think it’s okay. I mean, he makes $450,000 a month [so] to pay $32,000 a month for his child to make sure that he’s safe… and that he’s provided for is the least that he can do,” Reynolds said.

The media personality then went on to provide viewers with an unpopular opinion.

“I would’ve stayed there and ate my food if I was Nia Long,” he explained. “This isn’t the first time this man has cheated on her, and I promise you if they’d stayed together, it wouldn’t be the last.”

Reynolds explained that he believes Long “got caught up in this feeling” and “let… the embarrassment of this public cheating get in between her and her relationship.”

“And that’s where she, I think, could’ve made better decisions,” he continued. “She still loves that man. That son still loves his dad. I understand that this was a public stage that it happened on… but in this particular case, I feel like this relationship would still be going on if it didn’t happen on such a huge stage.”

Watch Reynolds’ full sentiments below.

Social Media Reacts

Social media users entered The Shade Room’s comment section to share their reactions to Reynolds. Many didn’t seem to agree with his stance.

Instagram user @mrjerometrammel wrote.

“‘She let the embarrassment get in the way of her relationship with her man.’ He got in the way of their relationship by CHEATING! Why should Black women just tolerate abuse because money is there? Why type of advice is this? I’m glad Claudia actually stood up for her!”

While Instagram user @itsyagirlldanii added.

“People don’t be wanting you to have no type of self respect 🚶🏾‍♀️”

Instagram user @slaylorgang wrote.

“‘And i promise you if they stayed together it wouldn’t be the last’ — CORRECT. That’s why she left. Be fr 🌚”

While Instagram user @ronnebrown added.

“Everyone can’t be bought! Sometimes loyalty, love and trust is worth more than money. Everyone isn’t ok with hanging around for a check. Now, if you’re a user and you’re broke then hey. But some ppl have standards. Let’s stay out of wealthy women with standards business.”

Instagram user @u_heart_brit wrote.

“‘It wouldn’t be the last’. Why would she want that hurt over and over? Not everyone puts dignity aside for money sir. I’m glad she chose HER. Some ppl do anything for a buck.”

A Brief Look At Nia Long & Ime Udoka’s Split & Custody Settlement

As The Shade Room previously reported, Nia Long and Ime Udoka met in 2010 and became engaged in 2015. The pair’s relationship came to an end in December 2022 amid public reports that Udoka, a former NBA Celtics coach, cheated on Long with a coworker.

In August 2023, Long filed for sole physical and legal custody of their son Kez.

Then, the following month, Udoka responded to the actor’s filing by requesting that they share joint “legal and physical” custody of the 12-year-old, with Udoka receiving visitation rights.

RELATED: UPDATE: Ime Udoka Reportedly Responds To Nia Long’s Request For Full Custody Of Their 11-Year-Old Son

Earlier this month, The Blast reported that a judge awarded Long and Udoka joint custody of Kez. Additionally, the outlet shared that Udoka and Long agreed for Udoka to pay $32,500 in monthly child support.

Furthermore, the parents will work collaboratively on education and health matters concerning Kez. However, the judge also ruled that Long would have the final say in disagreements regarding the 12-year-old, except for matters involving “routine” and medical emergencies.

Udoka has also received “reasonable visitation” with his son. However, he must provide Long with a “written notice and a plan” for their visits “via email at least ten days beforehand.”

Nia Long and Ime Udoka have yet to comment on reports of their custody settlement. However, Long did take to Instagram on December 31, 2023, to share her excitement for the “newness” that lies ahead in 2024.

“The newness excites me. 2024 I feel the love coming on strong #HAPPY NEW YEAR 😘🍾”

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