Ways to recognise efforts of employees and create healthier workplace | Workplace News

Ways to recognise efforts of employees and create healthier workplace | Workplace News
In many workplaces, there might be a communication breakdown between management and employees. Often, leaders are caught up in between the daily demands of running a business and acknowledging individual contributions. This can create an environment where employees feel undervalued and overlooked.
Suchandra Sarkar, QC specialist from the entertainment industry, rues that despite “consistently contributing my best efforts at work, recognition seems elusive.” “I believe acknowledgment fosters a positive work environment, motivating individuals to excel. But a lack of it creates feelings of undervaluation, potentially resulting in disengagement and a higher likelihood of seeking opportunities elsewhere,” adds Sarkar.

Recognising employees is not just a feel-good gesture; it directly contributes to a healthier and more productive work environment. “Employee recognition is critical to fostering a positive workplace culture. Understanding why a lack of employee recognition occurs is pivotal in addressing the issue. Several common reasons include inadequate communication, oversight, or a need for more awareness regarding the impact of recognition on employee morale,” says Mansi Poddar, psychotherapist, and founder, Heal. Grow. Thrive Foundation.
There can also be a gap in training for managers on the importance of recognition and how to effectively convey it, says Neel Juriasingani, CEO and Co-Founder, Datacultr.
As mentioned, oversight plays a big part. In larger organisations, it’s easy for the achievements of individual employees to get lost in the shuffle. Managers may only sometimes be aware of the day-to-day accomplishments of their team members, leading to a lack of recognition for noteworthy efforts. “Generally speaking, most people do want to recognise good work, but often, it gets lost amongst daily priorities,” admits Deepti Sagar, chief people officer, Deloitte India.
However, many companies are slowly realising the importance of recognising their employees. They understand that acknowledgment fosters a sense of appreciation and motivates employees to excel.
Moreover, employee recognition contributes to a sense of belonging and loyalty. Baldev Raj, founder, and chief, Prius Communications, says, “When individuals feel recognised and appreciated, they are more likely to develop a strong connection with their organisation. This emotional connection fosters loyalty and reduces attrition rates, as employees are less inclined to seek opportunities elsewhere when they feel their contributions are genuinely valued.”
“I believe employees should be motivated periodically, and acknowledgment should be expressed through appreciation, bonuses, salary increments, off-site events, picnics, or tours. This not only maintains a strong bond between the company and existing employees but also attracts talent from the industry,” Raj adds.
According to Juriasingani, recognition leads to higher job satisfaction and lower turnover rates. “Recognition also fosters a positive work environment, encourages team spirit, and can even enhance the company’s reputation as a desirable employer,” says Juriasingani.
Through firsthand experience, Zeeshan Ali, a senior communication consultant, says he has witnessed a “remarkable transformation in team dynamics, a shift in work ethos, and a surge of positivity” that recognition injects into the workplace. “Furthermore, this acknowledgment enhances loyalty and integrity, to take the organisation to new levels of accomplishment,” says Zeeshan.
Here’s what to consider (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)
As a result, many organisations are implementing structured recognition programs.
Realistic measures
Leadership has a crucial role in setting the tone. “We have a special reward called the President’s Bonus, where the senior-most leaders in every business nominate professionals who have exemplified our shared values, for an extra monetary bonus, over and above the performance bonus they already receive,” says Sagar.
Then there are appreciation weeks where everyone comes together to express their gratitude towards someone who made a positive impact in their life during the year. “Considering the size and scope of our organisation, we have bespoke awards done at the business or team level too. For instance, for the top recruiter and people who have completed the most learning programmes,” mentions Sagar.
Steps to implement
Here are some of the steps you should implement in your organisation, according to Poddar.
Establishment of formal recognition programs – Implement formal recognition programs highlighting outstanding achievements. These can include regular awards, shout-outs in team meetings, or even monetary rewards. By creating a systematic approach to recognition, companies ensure that no employee’s efforts go unnoticed.
Juriasingani mentioned creating a platform for public acknowledgment further reinforces a culture of appreciation.
Conduct leadership workshops and seminars – Educate managers on the positive impact of acknowledging and appreciating their team members. This helps in creating a culture where recognition becomes an integral part of the organisational ethos.
Integrating recognition into performance reviews – Linking employee recognition with performance reviews can be a strategic move. Acknowledging and rewarding achievements during performance evaluations not only motivates employees but also reinforces the connection between individual contributions and organisational success.
Seeking employee feedback – Engaging employees in the process by seeking their feedback on recognition initiatives is vital. Companies can conduct surveys or hold focus group discussions to understand what forms of recognition resonate most with the workforce. This inclusive approach ensures that recognition efforts are well-received and aligned with employee preferences.
Celebrating milestones and achievements – Beyond day-to-day recognition, celebrating significant milestones and achievements is pivotal. Whether it’s work anniversaries, project completions, or personal accomplishments, marking these occasions with special recognition events or rewards adds a layer of appreciation and demonstrates the company’s commitment to its employees’ growth and success.
Thus, addressing the lack of employee recognition involves a multifaceted approach. “By implementing a strategic approach, organisations can establish a comprehensive and effective framework for acknowledging and appreciating their workforce. This commitment not only boosts morale but also contributes to creating a workplace where employees feel valued, motivated, and integral to organisational success,” Poddar further shares.
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