US Army to redeploy M-SHORAD systems from NATO’s eastern flank

US Army to redeploy M-SHORAD systems from NATO’s eastern flank
The U.S. Army has announced that Alpha Battery, 5th Battalion, 4th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, stationed in Ansbach, Germany, is gearing up to host a redeployment ceremony on February 26, 2024, at 11 a.m.
The unit, a vital component of the 10th Army Air and Missile Defense Command, achieved a significant milestone by becoming the first in the U.S. Army to field and test four prototype Maneuver Short Range Air Defense (M-SHORAD) systems. These systems are crucial for providing short-range air defense against various aerial threats, including fixed-wing aircraft, rotary-wing aircraft, and unmanned aerial systems.
“This deployment was the first step toward reintroducing integrated maneuver short-range air defense. Our Soldiers, NCOs, and officers have all developed immensely,” stated U.S. Army Capt. Michael Archer, commander of Alpha Battery 5-4. “Alpha Battery stepped up to the challenge and achieved greatness throughout the first operational deployment of the M-SHORAD.”
Integrating SHORAD capabilities into Army maneuver operations is a meticulous process that requires establishing credible capabilities and conducting joint training and operations with maneuver forces. This deployment provided valuable insights and recommendations for both system enhancements and operational refinements. Throughout the deployment, Soldiers collaborated closely with NATO and partner nations, enhancing collective defense efforts.
With a significant presence along the Eastern Flank, Alpha Battery has played a vital role in safeguarding critical infrastructure and supporting U.S. and NATO forces. “At each location, our forces defend key infrastructure, support U.S. and NATO units, and provide base defense,” highlighted Archer. “The air defense mission here encompasses many different tasks in support of U.S. and NATO goals.”
The swift deployment to Poland, Slovakia, and Romania underscores the commitment to readiness and interoperability with host nations, reinforcing capabilities and fostering integration for regional security and stability. Elements of the 52nd Air Defense Artillery Brigade and 1-62 Air Defense Battalion continue to remain forward deployed, diligently guarding NATO’s eastern flank against hostile activities and influences.