Variety (Gently) Waves White Flag on President Biden

Variety (Gently) Waves White Flag on President Biden

Variety (Gently) Waves White Flag on President Biden


Journalists treat late-night television like their personal megaphone.

Reporters, who violently lean to the Left, can’t say everything they’d like to say in print and on the web. So they aggressively quote and promote hosts who share the same views.

Case in point:

This week, President Joe Biden made a surprise appearance on “Late Night with Seth Meyers.” The chat comes after the president refused a softball Super Bowl interview for the second straight year. He rarely gives press conferences and hasn’t done any serious, one-on-one interviews in months.

The appearance also took place weeks after a brutal Special Counsel report that described the 81-year-old as an “elderly man with a poor memory” who could not stand trial for allegedly mishandling classified documents.

Biden didn’t do much to assuage concerns about his age during the NBC appearance. The conservative site Breitbart News noted Biden “appeared disoriented at times and struggled to complete many of his thoughts.” The octogenarian also claimed it was 2020, not 2024 and that Donald Trump was still in the Oval Office.


Most media outlets danced around Biden’s latest gaffes. They cherry-picked his quips and comments, preventing readers from grasping how poorly he faired during the conversation.

Red State noted how The Hill said Biden was “staying up late” for the interview, even though the show is taped mid-to-late afternoon.

This Hollywood Reporter article suggests the interview went smoothly.

Not Variety.

Variety is as hard-Left as The Hollywood Reporter, but columnist Daniel D’Addario couldn’t camouflage the terrible performance.

“President Biden’s ‘Late Night’ Appearance Indicates the Tough Road Ahead,” reads the headline.

Buckle in.

“[Biden] made game attempts to riff on the so-called “Dark Brandon” persona constructed for him online, but appeared ill-at-ease …  [host Seth] Meyers and [guest Amy] Poehler were handing the President a gift of sorts — the opportunity to play into a long-running joke that his amiable and aloof personality conceals a mastermind. He seemed a beat behind in catching the joke each time, and missed the opportunity to use it to say anything more substantive.”

The column noted that Biden’s allegedly “long-held rhetorical traits — like trailing off and stopping himself when he spoke angrily about Trump, as he did twice — can read now as his having lost a step.”

You don’t say. Plus, the article didn’t ignore Biden referring to 2024 as “2020.”


Biden, Seth Meyers … a Love Story

The column reminds readers that Biden’s unwillingness to undergo softball chats “felt either like a missed opportunity to reach a wide audience, or like a concession that he wasn’t up to it.”

Variety is suggesting the most powerful man in the free world may be incapable of answering softball questions.

Let that sink in.

Next, the author commends the far-Left Meyers for “handling a delicate brief well,” meaning the comic served his propagandist purposes.

So how did ol’ Joe do, you ask?

“…He stayed on message, he volleyed back a joke made to him (if woodenly), he came out alive.”

That’s your Democratic nominee, folks. He’s strong enough to survive a late-night shmooze-fest.
