IndiGo celebrates International Women’s Day with Girl Power murals

IndiGo celebrates International Women’s Day with Girl Power murals

IndiGo celebrates International Women’s Day with Girl Power murals


Celebrating Women’s Day, IndiGo has adorned the walls of Gurugram’s Guru Dronacharya Metro Station with vibrant murals. Crafted by artist Anpu Varkey, the artwork beautifully embodies the theme of ‘Girl Power,’ depicting IndiGo’s women conquering the skies one flight at a time. Situated near IndiGo’s offices in Gurugram, this metro station serves as a daily transit point for numerous IndiGo employees and other commuters.

As per the company, IndiGo has the highest percentage of female pilots in the world, a high number of female workforce at 44%, and an all-female cabin crew in India.








IndiGo celebrated its women workforce for their diverse contributions, spanning across roles such as aircraft safety, engineering, customer service and corporate strategies.

IndiGo’s initiative, underscored by the murals at Guru Dronacharya Metro Station, aims to profoundly express the airline’s dedication to the celebration and empowerment of women every day. 

Looking ahead, efforts like IndiGo’s ‘Girl Power’ murals create an impact that extends beyond the organisation highlighting the ongoing importance of recognizing and empowering women within all industries and fields of life.

Commenting on the campaign, Neetan Chopra, Chief Digital and Information Officer, IndiGo, added, “Women have always been at the heart of all social change and innovation, through centuries of invention and development, and this continues to be true even within IndiGo. The women at IndiGo are engineering and technical specialists while also being inspiring leaders at the workplace and are the reason why we proudly celebrate girl power every day of the year. IndiGo prides itself on championing Girl Power not just up in the air, but along every step of the way through a women-led development. The women of IndiGo don’t just lead the way; they pave it for a future that is female.”

