Christina Applegate Gets Candid About MS, Says She Wears a Diaper

Christina Applegate Gets Candid About MS, Says She Wears a Diaper
Christina Applegate is keeping it real in a new interview.
And, unfortunately for the veteran actress, it’s really pretty awful these days.
In a joint interview with People Magazine for its new issue, Applegate sits down with Jamie-Lynn Sigler, who, like Applegate, has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
What are some of the challenges that come with this chronic disease of the central nervous system?

“Well, you pee … in your pants,” Applegate tells the outlet. “Because you probably can’t get to the bathroom in time. So yeah, diapers.”
Applegate — who was diagnosed with MS in 2021, but who believes she actually had the disease years prior — even pulled down the waistband of her jeans during this interview to reveal she was wearing a diaper adorned with a floral design.
God bless her candor, right?
Applegate and Sigler are featured on the latest People cover, which marks Applegate’s first photo shoot in four years.

“The last five days I’ve been sobbing, going, ‘I’m going to have to cancel.’ I was throwing up last night, thinking about all of it,” Applegate told the magazie.
“Being touched, makeup and hair, even talking about it, I get spasms.
“Weird positions, shoes, people, noise, climate I can’t control. It all goes through my mind, and I want to go back to bed and watch Naked and Afraid.”
To her immense credit, however, Applegate (and Sigler) made many jokes during the Q&A about all the positives that come along with MS.

“First of all, parking is awesome,” Applegate quips, to which Sigler agrees as follows:
“There could be a cure for MS, and I will not give up my handicap placard. We earned it!”
Applegate also said that having “wheelchair seating,” getting to board airplanes early and being pushed around airports is “awesome.”
Applegate admits her battle is “sh-tty,” but remains grateful that she doesn’t need to go through it alone.

“She’s the only person who really knows me,” Applegate said of Sigler.
“I can talk about anything with her. Constipation, diarrhea … Bravo TV.”
What brave souls.
We continue to send our very best wishes to Christina Applegate and Jamie-Lynn Sigler.