Wipro to implement medicare prescription payment plan platform for Independent Health, ET HealthWorld

Wipro to implement medicare prescription payment plan platform for Independent Health, ET HealthWorld

Wipro to implement medicare prescription payment plan platform for Independent Health, ET HealthWorld


New Delhi: IT services company Wipro on Thursday said it has been selected by US-based Independent Health to implement its Medicare Prescription Payment Plan (MPPP360) platform for the upcoming open enrolment period. Starting in 2025, the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan will allow enrollees to make capped monthly payments for out-of-pocket prescription drugs, among other changes.

It aims to improve access to affordable treatments and strengthen Medicare, Wipro said in a release.

Wipro’s MPPP360 platform will assist Independent Health in streamlining the payment process to seamlessly integrate these new provisions, simplifying prescription cost management for medicare recipients in Western New York.

“Wipro Limited…today announced they have been selected by Independent Health, Western New York’s only 5-Star Rated Medicare Advantage Plan, to implement Wipro’s Medicare Prescription Payment Plan (MPPP360) platform for the upcoming open enrollment period,” the release said but did not divulge the size of the deal.

Narayan Iyer, Vice President, Healthcare, Wipro Limited, said that the company, together with Independent Health, is committed to enhancing efficiency and convenience for beneficiaries, thus elevating their healthcare journey.

“We are excited to introduce our Medicare Prescription Payment Plan360 platform, better known as MPPP360, to Western New York. This project exemplifies our dedication to transforming the Medicare landscape through innovative technology solutions,” Iyer said.

  • Published On May 3, 2024 at 06:36 AM IST

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