Suri Cruise Debuts New Name, Washes Hands of Tom Cruise

Suri Cruise Debuts New Name, Washes Hands of Tom Cruise
Suri Cruise has rejected her controversial father’s name.
And honestly, can you blame her?
Now that Suri Cruise is 18 years old, her widely reported estrangement from Tom Cruise is starting to feel a lot more “real.”
Especially now that Suri’s name is showing up without “Cruise” in its wake. And, curiously, without “Holmes,” either.

Suri Cruise is going by another name
According to a report by Hello! Magazine, Suri Cruise appeared by the name “Suri Noelle” in the playbill of her school’s production of Head Over Heels, The Go-Go’s jukebox musical.
Stage names are not uncommon in the entertainment industry. However, teenagers usually appear in playbills by their given names unless they have adopted a new one.
In this case, “Noelle” is Katie Holmes’ middle name. So even though she didn’t list herself as Suri Holmes, she used part of her mother’s name … and none of her father’s.

Suri Cruise turned 18 years old on April 18.
She has lived most of her life in her mother’s custody.
Despite the odd report of Tom Cruise wanting time with Suri (which may very well be true), the public perception remains that he has not seen her in over a decade.

Suri Cruise has grown up at Katie Holmes’ daughter
Katie and Tom’s divorce documents included an agreement for him to pay $400,000 per year until Suri turned 18, along with all of their daughter’s expenses.
Reportedly, these expenses included medical, dental, insurance, education (including college), and more.
However, it seems likely that Suri’s name on the playbill has a less personal motive than excising her controversial father.

Suri’s mother, Katie Holmes, has been famous since the 1990s. And Suri’s father, Tom Cruise, has been a world-famous movie star for decades — and has spent the past couple of decades as a polarizing, even divisive figure due to his association with Scientology.
For this reason, it seems likely that Suri would prefer to simply appear to classmates (and their families) as “Suri Noelle” when it comes to printing her name on a playbill.
Every scion of fame (or infamy) has to navigate the treacherous waters of being born as a celebrity. Some become nepo babies, others do their best to fade into obscurity. Suri’s clearly hoping to gain recognition on her own terms.

How is Suri doing these days?
The Sun recently got a hold of photos of Suri and Katie walking around New York, seeming to have a serious conversation.
That said … smiling as you walk down the street is less common in New York City than it is in most of the country.
Is it possible that the mother and daughter were having a tense conversation? Sure. It’s also possible that they were talking about what they want for dinner while navigating New York pedestrian traffic. Which sounds more likely?