Where To Watch General Election Prediction

Where To Watch General Election Prediction

Where To Watch General Election Prediction



Stay tuned to India.com as we bring you all the LIVE updates from the Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim Sikkim Lok Sabha Elections 2024 Exit Polls

Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim Lok Sabha Elections 2024 Exit Polls LIVE Updates: Where To Watch General Election Prediction
Stay tuned to India.com as we bring you all the LIVE updates from the Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim Sikkim Lok Sabha Elections 2024 Exit Polls

Lok Sabha Elections Exit Polls LIVE Updates: Exit Polls for Lok Sabha Election 2024 will be published after voting ends in the seventh and last phase general elections on June 1, Saturday. All leading news channels of the country are likely to publish their exit polls at around 6:30-7 PM on Saturday evening.

Lok Sabha Exit Polls Time

Lok Sabha Exit Polls are expected to be published on Saturday evening after voting ends in Phase 7 of Lok Sabha polls,

Lok Sabha Exit Polls: Where To Watch

You can catch Lok Sabha Exit polls on all leading news channels on TV or their respective apps. Alternatively, you can also watch the exit polls live on the your preferred OTT platform where these news channels are available.

How accurate are exit polls?

Although not a fool-proof method of determining who has won the elections by any measure, exit polls nevertheless provide a somewhat indication of poll outcomes as they are based on interviews of voters after they vote at polling booths. Exit polls are generally considered much more accurate that pre-poll predictions.

Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim Sikkim Lok Sabha Elections 2024 Exit Polls

Stay tuned to India.com as we bring you all the LIVE updates from the Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim Sikkim Lok Sabha Elections 2024 Exit Polls
