‘The Perfect Weapon’ Is Our Imperfect Pick of the Week

‘The Perfect Weapon’ Is Our Imperfect Pick of the Week

‘The Perfect Weapon’ Is Our Imperfect Pick of the Week


The Perfect WeaponThe Perfect Weapon [KL Studio Classics]

What is it? A man avenges his friend’s murder.

Why see it? The 90s was a great decade for studios taking chances on hopeful action stars. While a movie like this would go straight to VOD today, it saw a theatrical release back in the day. So is it any good? Plot-wise it’s as generic as they come, and lead Jeff Speakman is about as charismatic as a punching bag, but you come to an action movie for one thing — the action — and there the movie delivers. Speakman showcases some mad Kenpo karate skills here, and it’s a fun watch as he beats down baddies with a style we don’t often see celebrated like this. Kino’s Blu looks great, has new extras, and is well worth a pickup for fans of the film.

[Extras: New 4K scan, commentary, interview, deleted scenes]

The Best

Bad Lieutenant UhdBad Lieutenant [4K UHD, KL Studio Classics]

What is it? A corrupt cop slides further into a hell of his own making.

Why see it? Abel Ferrara’s filmography is filled with men and women, frequently in New York City, caught up in all manner of mean, violent, self-destructive endeavors. Some are great, others less so, but they all feel like a Ferrara film. This early 90s effort is one of the former with its grueling but captivating look at a Catholic man realizing it’s all a big ol’ pile of shit. Harvey Keitel soars through the gutter here with a performance fueled by pain, intensity, and an utter lack of shame. It’s a cruel film, a sad one too, and it’s never less than engrossing. Plus, now you can watch Keitel’s naked rant in 4K!

[Extras: New 4K scan, commentary, documentary, featurette, interview]

Glory UhdGlory [4K UHD, steelbook]

What is it? The true story of the first Black regiment to fight for the North during the Civil War.

Why see it? Ed Zwick’s wartime drama remains a thrilling and affecting feature that also happens to be an important reminder for too many people. Denzel Washington is the brash young soldier, a former slave, and Morgan Freeman is the older fighter whose seen even more traumas during his time in this troubled new country. Matthew Broderick and Cary Elwes bring the white, and all of them do tremendous work here. Some feel that Broderick was miscast, but his awkward insecurity actually supports the character he’s playing in my opinion. Anyway, the battle scenes are exciting, the character beats are beautiful, and all of it is even more stunning in 4K as the scope and detail finds new life.

[Extras: Commentary, deleted scenes, featurettes, documentary]

The Rest

Death Machine [KL Studio Classics]

What is it? A security company discovers its biggest threat comes from within.

Why see it? An early effort from Stephen Norrington (Blade), this slice of action/sci-fi is essentially one big homage — or series of homages — to better known genre classics from the 80s and early 90s. The Terminator, Robocop, Aliens, and so on, they all get a shout out in one way or another, and that’s okay! It keeps the film from finding its own identity, but it’s still a fun watch as a metallic monster rips its way through a building in search of prey. All that plus an unhinged Brad Dourif performance? Heck yeah. The film is a mixed bag, but Kino’s new Blu is a treasure trove for fans with three different cuts of the film and loads of extras exploring its production. A great release of a pretty good movie.

[Extras: Three versions — US cut, foreign, director’s, commentaries, interviews]

The Old Oak

What is it? A small town struggles with economy and immigrants.

Why see it? Ken Loach’s (probable) final film is very much in his wheelhouse as everyday people struggle with everyday problems. Here it’s a small British town on the economic downturn, and worse — for the ignorant and hateful among them — they’re also seeing a bunch of Syrian refugees relocated to the community’s empty flats and homes. It’s a story about working through troubles, seeing past stereotypes, and accepting change, and there are sweet interactions throughout as friendships form. It’s not a surprising film as it goes where you expect, but empathy is never a bad lesson to see unfold.

[Extras: Deleted scenes]

Also out this week:

La Chimera, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas [4K UHD, Criterion], Founders Day, Lost Soulz, Rango [4K UHD], Typhoon Club [4K UHD]
