John Oliver Talks Trump And Project 2025

John Oliver Talks Trump And Project 2025

John Oliver Talks Trump And Project 2025


As the 2024 presidential election draws closer, John Oliver is confronting viewers with the realities of what a second Donald Trump term could look like.

On Sunday’s episode of Last Week Tonight, the comedian explained how Trump’s second time around “could be much, much worse” as he took a look at the organized efforts of Project 2025.

“Trump as president was sort of like a hamster in an attack helicopter,” Oliver joked. “Sure, he wants to bathe the world in blood and terror, he wants it with his whole rotten hamster heart. But luckily, he doesn’t know what buttons to press and his brain’s the size of a peanut, so that puts some hard limits on the damage he’s actually able to do.”

He added, “This time, though, Trump will have a lot more help.”

Oliver then dove into Project 2025, a step-by-step game plan from a group of more than 100 conservative organizations for Trump to use if he wins re-election. He joked that some of the organizations include “Rodeo Clowns for Trump, The Center for Ruining Thanksgiving, The Marriage is Between a Man and His Property Institute…”

Project 2025 also features a networking website for people interested in working on Trump’s cabinet, which Oliver described as “a conservative LinkedIn,” adding: “It’s essentially an open audition for people who might want a new job because their lost their old one on January 6 for some reason.”

After going into plans to dismantle the FBI, Head Start Program and other vital resources, Oliver made a sobering point. “And for anyone tempted to think, ‘Well we survived Trump’s first term,’ first, not everyone did,” he said.

“And it should hopefully be very clear by now a second Trump term really does promise to be far, far worse,” added Oliver. “Because if Trump’s first term was defined by chaos, his second could be defined as ruthless efficiency and that should be troubling to absolutely everyone.”
