With iOS 18, pairing other accessories will be as easy as pairing AirPods | Tech News

With iOS 18, pairing other accessories will be as easy as pairing AirPods | Tech News

With iOS 18, pairing other accessories will be as easy as pairing AirPods | Tech News


Apple is set to offer AirPods-like pairing options to third-party accessories for iPhones. Apple in one of its documents aimed at developers has mentioned a new “AccessorySetupKit Application programming interface (API)” for iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 that will allow third-party accessory makers to access enhanced accessory controls, including accessory pairing, removal, and renaming.

According to the documentation, the AccessorySetupKit, which is currently available in the beta version, will make Bluetooth or Wi-Fi accessories discoverable and configurable with images and names. According to 9To5Mac, this will give third-party made accessories the same set-up experience that is currently available to only Apple accessories such as AirPods and AirTags.

According to the report, on the accessories that incorporate the new SetupKit, users will not have to manually give Bluetooth and Wi-Fi permissions to the companion app. Rather, the system will automatically handle all the Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connectivity required by the accessory.

For accessories that require a PIN or authentication method for setting-up or pairing, the system will prompt the user for the necessary step, unlike the current process where the user is required to open up the accessory’s companion app. Apple will also add a new accessories menu within the privacy settings where information about the paired accessory will be displayed, including ones from third party manufacturers.

Although this will allow similar integration of third-party accessories to iPhones and iPads as the ones from Apple, it will require updates to the companion app from the developers side as well as a firmware update to the existing accessories.

First Published: Jun 21 2024 | 4:52 PM IST
