Rage, Confusion and Deep Denial

Rage, Confusion and Deep Denial
Comedian Micheal Ian Black is Hollywood.
By that, we mean the “Wet Hot American Summer” star’s Twitter feed is filled with the industry’s accepted takes on gun control, Donald Trump and other politically-charged issues.
Even Black called CNN’s presidential debate between Trump and Joe Biden early last night.
Joe just froze on stage. Debate over.
— Michael Ian Black (@michaelianblack) June 28, 2024
That admission captured some, but not all, of the industry’s reaction to arguably the worst presidential debate performance ever. Months of media misdirection about Biden’s cognitive health came to a screeching halt in 90 minutes.
Now, the media and the Left are screaming in near-unison that Biden must be replaced atop the Democratic ticket.
Why? They cannot hide Biden’s age-related decline anymore despite years of doing precisely that.
Jon Stewart did his best to camouflage that reality. He did some “both-sides-ism” and slammed Trump, but one quip nailed the moment.
Biden, “The Daily Show” host said, has “resting 25th Amendment face.”
Other reactions were almost comic in their denial.
Far-Left actress Ellen Barkin, who once wished for physical violence against Louis CK and Trump, blamed CNN for Biden’s disastrous performance.
That was terrifying. That @CNN a supposed centrist mainstream network would decide to fix the deck in favor of trump scares me. They talked about Hunter Biden but not a word about trump’s 34 felonies and rape. In what fucking world? In a world where the deck is stacked
— Ellen Barkin (@EllenBarkin) June 28, 2024
CNN debate is a trump campaign rally only sponsored by @CNN
— Ellen Barkin (@EllenBarkin) June 28, 2024
Barbra Streisand struck a similar tone with her posts on the debate. Blame CNN, not the Commander in Chief.
What is wrong with these two moderators who let Trump change the subject? They ask him a question, but then let him go on a rampage about something else. Not fair!
— Barbra Streisand (@BarbraStreisand) June 28, 2024
Bette Midler bought the mid-debate spin that Biden suffered from a “cold” and that’s why he appeared like someone who slipped free from a nursing home.
Well, #JoeBiden answered the questions, Trump never did. He feinted, he wove, he dodged, he lied. Biden, his voice weakened by a cold, answered the questions, softly, but still. I leaned in and heard him fine.
— bettemidler (@BetteMidler) June 28, 2024
Mark Hamill, the “Star Wars” legend who yukked it up with Biden earlier this year, was one of the few Hollywood voices to say, “Nothing to see here. Move along.”
One off night doesn’t change the fact that @JoeBiden is the most legislatively successful @POTUS in our lifetime. One off night also doesn’t change the fact that the former guy is a convicted felon, serial liar & adjudicated rapist who is unfit for ANY office. Period.
— Mark Hamill (@MarkHamill) June 28, 2024
Perhaps the most fascinating Tweets came from Oscar-winner Adam McKay. The “Don’t Look Up” director is one of Hollywood’s most prolific progressives. He uses his art and cash to fuel liberal causes, including the wave of climate change radicalism spreading across the globe.
He shared this withering post about not just the debate but the lies spread by the media and his fellow Democrats. He didn’t say that precisely. His meaning couldn’t be more clear, though.
A whole lot of people need to lose serious credibility after tonight.
Enough of this shit.
— Adam McKay (@ZombiePanther2) June 28, 2024
Editor’s Note: It’s a brutal time to be an independent journalist, but it’s never been more necessary given the sorry state of the mainstream media. If you’re enjoying Hollywood in Toto, I hope you’ll consider leaving a coin (or two) in our Tip Jar.