Faecal contamination exceeded the maximum permissible limits by nearly 16 times near the Brahmapuram stretch of the Kadambrayar in Ernakulam last year.
While the maximum permissible limit should be less than 2,500 MPN (most probable number) per 100 ml under the criteria for bathing, the total coliform count was 41,000 MPN/100 ml on the Brahmapuram stretch of the river, according to data for 2023 available with the Central Pollution Control Board under its National Water Quality Monitoring Programme. The MPN of faecal coliform increased by over three times compared to the situation in 2022 (13,000 MPN/100 ml) in the monitoring location at Brahmapuram.
At the monitoring spot of the Kadambrayar at Manackkakadavu, the faecal coliform count last year was 3,800 MPN/100 ml against the 4,300 MPN/100 ml recorded in 2022. The water quality parameters at Brahmapuram did not comply with the prescribed norms of the Central board in both 2023 and 2022.
The dissolved oxygen level was 0.8 against the desired level of 5 mg/litre and above recommended for optimum fish health. The biological oxygen demand (BOD) was 5 mg/litre. The locations where BOD exceeded 3.0 mg/L are identified as polluted. In 2022, the dissolved oxygen level at the monitoring location at Brahmapuram was 1.2 against the desirable level of 5 mg/litre and above. The BOD level was 3.6 mg/l.
The water quality parameters did not comply with norms at the Manackkakadavu monitoring location last year. The dissolved oxygen level was 1.2, while the BOD level was 3.4 mg/l. The situation here was no different in 2022. The dissolved oxygen level was 1.8 mg/l, while the BOD was 3.2 mg/l.
The faecal streptococci level at Brahmapuram was 7,000 MPN/100 ml against the desirable limit of 500 MPN/100 ml and below.