‘Loss of Freedom of Expression’

‘Loss of Freedom of Expression’

‘Loss of Freedom of Expression’


It’s the one question every actor should be asked … but very few journalists dare.

“What are your thoughts on making studios check “Identity” boxes to qualify for the Best Picture Oscar? Is it fair? Unfair? Why?”

The rules date back to 2020 before the term DEI hit the mainstream. The purpose overlaps with the progressive philosophy all the same.

Patrick Bet-David just proved the exception to the journalist rule.

The entrepreneur and podcaster quizzed “Reagan” star Dennis Quaid on the subject during a wide-ranging chat in support of the August release. Quaid plays the GOP icon in a tale covering historic moments (“Tear down this wall!”), an assassination attempt and Reagan’s enduring legacy. 

The two chatted about Quaid’s formative years in Hollywood, the superstar’s views on the industry’s evolution and his political leanings on the “PBD Podcast.”

Quaid identified himself as an independent who has voted for Democrats and Republicans over the years. He’s voting for Donald Trump for a third time come November.

That’s a risky enough admission given his industry’s groupthink. Weighing in on the Oscar rules is potentially more “problematic” given La La Land’s lack of intellectual diversity.

Given that reality, Quaid could have deflected from the Oscar question. Most stars would. There’s only one “correct” response.

I support the quotas. End of statement.


When Oscar-winner Richard Dreyfuss said just the opposite – “It makes me vomit” – he likely hurt his standing in Hollywood.

Turns out Quaid is on Team Dreyfuss, except he wasn’t as colorful in his response.

“There’s a loss of freedom of expression,” Quaid said of the new rules. “Everybody’s trying to be so politically correct. Back in the ’70s [Hollywood] may have been skewed to the Left, but everybody was trying to be politically incorrect back then. That was the thing, and it was an exciting time. We had a real dialogue with people instead of trying to fit into a mold.”

Later, Quaid said more actors lean to the Right than many realize, but they keep their views private for fear of professional repercussions.

“Reagan,” co-starring Jon Voight, Nick Searcy, Penelope Ann Miller and Robert Davi, opens Aug. 30 in theaters nationwide.
