Revolutionary E-Health System Now Live in 653 Healthcare Institutions Across Kerala, ET HealthWorld

Revolutionary E-Health System Now Live in 653 Healthcare Institutions Across Kerala, ET HealthWorld

Revolutionary E-Health System Now Live in 653 Healthcare Institutions Across Kerala, ET HealthWorld


Thiruvananthapuram: The e-health system is now operational in 653 healthcare institutions across the state, said health minister Veena George on Wednesday. Of these, 428 hospitals implemented the e-health system during present govt’s tenure, she added.

The system was implemented in 17 wings of different medical college hospitals, 22 district and general hospitals, 26 taluk hospitals, 36 community health centres, 487 family health centres, 50 urban family health centres, 10 specialty hospitals, two public health labs and three other health centres.

Setting up facilities for online appointments through the e-health system is in its final stages in 80 taluk, district and general hospitals. The goal is to implement the e-health system in all hospitals, said the minister.

So far, over 1.93 crore people registered for a permanent UHID through e-health, said George. The main feature of e-health is the availability of online OP tickets and paperless hospital services. Patients can obtain OP tickets in advance without standing in a queue, a unique aspect of this system. Additionally, an advance token system is in place for follow-up visits, reducing waiting times significantly.

  • Published On Nov 7, 2024 at 05:20 PM IST

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