An enchanting place in Kodai Hills

An enchanting place in Kodai Hills

An enchanting place in Kodai Hills


76 acres of lush forest in the mesmerising hills of Kodai! Wait, there’s more…Within this space, a self-sustaining organic farm that provides for all the food needs and a completely self-reliant water supply system provided by many natural ponds and streams that’s supported by wells that are periodically recharged by these ponds during rains.

A complete natural habitat that contributes to the restoration of biodiversity, promotes harmonious association with nature and mitigates climate change, setting an outstanding example for a future proof location; an ecosystem immersed in natural living where humans co-exist in harmony.

In what I would call a serendipitous encounter, when I received a random message from someone who bought my book “Farmer Sutra” and found it interesting enough to browse through my website and contact me. In his message he shared about his interest in organic farming and biodiversity conservation. A few more exchanges led to meeting him in person.

Turns out he is the Founder of TKN Eco Farm, Teakayen Estate and Ekantha Wellness Centre. He insisted that we visit his property sometime, low and behold we find ourselves (my husband and I) at this beautiful, picturesque destination nestled in Kodai Hills.

Who doesn’t like the hills, but add to that a thriving organic farm and a wellness centre too, how amazing is that! We were totally floored by the prospect of this beautiful merging of all things we loved so dearly. When we arrived on the property, it was beyond what we had envisioned. It was so much more charming and absolutely enchanting!

What surprised me was in today’s commercialisation, this property is not listed anywhere. There is no website nor social media presence for this Hill-station-cum-organic-farm-stay destination.

The reason stated by Mr. Kumaresan for not wanting to market or promote this property is because he wants to attract only like-minded people through word-of-mouth, whose values and ethos are similar to his. He says, he nor his team want to convince anyone of why they choose to live by the rules they have established for this quaint Eco Farm property.

They have adapted totally Sustainable practices relating to fruits, vegetables, greens, flowers and herb production which are used at their Ekantha Wellness Centre for their guests coming for Wellness oriented stays, Wellness programs and Resident Investors.

The soil where they cultivate all the produce exceeds organic matter by more than 50%. More the organic content in the soil, more nutrient dense the produce, which makes for healthy food cultivation and consumption. They use all the weeds, vegetable scraps and waste from the cows for Bio-composting and in turn used in their organic farm.

They grow hundreds of fruit bearing trees just for birds consumption which has resulted in attracting more than 100 varieties of exotic birds catalogued at TKN Eco Farm. This effort is dedicated to promoting biodiversity practices at the property premises.

They have also desilted many acres of their water bodies and are currently storing an excess of 60 million litres of rain water, moving towards being totally self-sufficient in their water needs.

Due to their concerted greening efforts, Forest department has provided them several thousands of tree saplings of Mahogany, Teak and local species to increase more plantation in the hills.

Mr. Kumaresan has established Ekantha Wellness Destination in Kodai Hills to offer Structured Wellness programs and Wellness oriented Farm stays. All of this is based on organic plant based vegan food, complimented by yoga and meditation practices, Forest bathing, hands-on organic farming, ayurvedic therapies and much more in a pristine ambiance.

This is a haven for anyone wanting to experience  tranquility, wellness, wholesome food and lush greenery!
