The year is about to end and it’s clear that Dinesh Vijan of Maddock Films has emerged as a clear winner. He gave the biggest Bollywood grosser ever with Stree 2. Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya, starring Shahid Kapoor and Kriti Sanon, was the first hit of 2024. Munjya, meanwhile, was a sleeper super-hit. It was released with minimal expectations as it had an unknown star cast but it managed to collect Rs. 100 crores at the domestic box office. Today, the perception in the industry is whatever this man touches will turn into gold. Interestingly, despite being Bollywood’s most successful producer of 2024, he didn’t give success interviews and preferred to let his work talk. Hence, it was a pleasant surprise to see him opening up in an interview with The Economic Times dated December 31.
2024’s most successful producer Dinesh Vijan gives a RARE interview: “I DON’T believe there’s a ‘takeover’ by southern cinema; Animal, Gadar 2, Pathaan, Jawan, Stree 2 collected Rs. 500-600 cr”
As part of the year-end feature, Dinesh Vijan was asked, “Can we have unique content for everyone, everywhere, all at once?”. In his detailed reply, the producer stressed the need for films to reach a wider audience. He said, “While Stree 2 was a blockbuster, it was watched by only 45 million people. This highlights the huge scope for broader content distribution.”
He also opened up on the Bollywood vs South debate. He stated, “I don’t believe there’s a ‘takeover’ by southern cinema. Since the pandemic, the Hindi film industry has seen remarkable successes, with films such as Animal, Gadar 2, Pathaan, Jawan, and Stree 2 achieving box office collections of Rs. 500-600 crore in India. This clearly shows that the Hindi film industry is performing as well as its southern counterpart.”
Dinesh Vijan also added, “What truly matters is giving audiences something fresh and unique – exactly what these films have delivered. Instead of viewing southern and Hindi films as separate entities, we should embrace them as part of one Indian film industry. My hope is that films from across the country resonate with audiences nationwide. Both southern and Hindi industries produce hits, but there are also films from both that fail to connect with audiences.”
Lastly, Dinesh Vijan also shared his views on OTT platforms, AI and the future of cinema saying, “Streaming platforms are not a threat to cinema; they will coexist with theatres. While streaming services are still expanding their reach, they complement rather than compete with the theatrical experience. In the coming years, technology, particularly AI and innovative distribution models, will empower filmmakers and create platforms for new content. The key, however, is to craft stories that resonate with a large, diverse audience. We need to focus on creating content that is about India, for India, and of India.”
Also Read: EXCLUSIVE: “Chhaava is a solid product,” says Taran Adarsh; lauds Dinesh Vijan for avoiding clash with Pushpa 2: The Rule and not risking Vicky Kaushal-starrer’s potential
More Pages: Stree 2 Box Office Collection , Stree 2 Movie Review
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