28,811 complaints of crimes against women received in 2023, over 50% from U.P.: NCW data

28,811 complaints of crimes against women received in 2023, over 50% from U.P.: NCW data

28,811 complaints of crimes against women received in 2023, over 50% from U.P.: NCW data


The National Commission for Women (NCW) registered 28,811 complaints of crime against women last year and about 55% were from Uttar Pradesh.

The highest number of complaints were received in the right to dignity category that involves harassment other than domestic violence and it stood at 8,540, according to NCW data. This was followed by 6,274 complaints of domestic violence.

Dowry harassment complaints stood at 4,797, molestation complaints at 2,349, police apathy against women complaints at 1,618, and rape and attempt to rape complaints at 1,537, the data showed.

There were 805 complaints of sexual harassment, 605 of cyber crime, 472 of stalking and 409 of honour crimes, it stated.

Uttar Pradesh recorded the highest number of complaints at 16,109 followed by Delhi 2,411, Maharashtra at 1,343, according to the data.

Bihar recorded 1,312 complaints, Madhya Pradesh 1,165, Haryana 1,115, Rajasthan 1,011, Tamil Nadu 608, West Bengal 569 and Karnataka 501.

The number of complaints have seen a drop since 2022 when 30,864 complaints were received, the highest since 2014.
