AP-Transco staff fix glitches on Gooty-Guntakal line in mission mode

AP-Transco staff fix glitches on Gooty-Guntakal line in mission mode

AP-Transco staff fix glitches on Gooty-Guntakal line in mission mode


The O&M (operations and maintenance) staff of the AP-Transco restored the 132 KV Gooty receiving station-Guntakal single circuit line which tripped around 8.15 a.m. on April 10 (Wednesday) by 2.45 p.m. 

According to an official release, the line breakdown was declared at 8.20 a.m. after a patrolling gang from Gooty found a Y-Phase conductor snapped. Power was supplied to the domestic consumers in Guntakal and Uravakonda through the alternate 33 KV feeders. 

The power supply was arranged for the railways from the 220 KV Gooty receiving station.

An AP-Transco team rushed to the breakdown site on the Guntakal-Kasapuram village road. They replaced a 100-metre-long conductor and provided a mid-span joint.
