Ariel’s #ShareTheLoad campaign humorously ‘helps’ men locate basic items in their homes

Ariel’s #ShareTheLoad campaign humorously ‘helps’ men locate basic items in their homes

Ariel’s #ShareTheLoad campaign humorously ‘helps’ men locate basic items in their homes


#ShareTheLoad is a long-running movement by Ariel that highlights the unequal distribution of household chores at home. This year, their campaign HomeTeams #ShareTheLoad is urging men to step up on their home duties to reduce the mental burden of household on women when they are not at home. Furthermore, men frequently phone their wives inquiring about the whereabouts of household items. Queries like, ‘Where are the socks?’ or ‘Where’s the salt stored?’, contribute to the mental burden shouldered by women managing the household, especially when they’re away.

According to a third-party study, 75% of women find it challenging to mentally break free from the household chores. As we observe increasing opportunities for women beyond the household, it’s these inquiries that tether them mentally to home and hinder them from seizing these opportunities.

As a result, Ariel has created ‘Home Map’, an application designed to assist husbands in locating items within their homes. 

As part of the launch of the Home Map application, Ariel has collaborated with influencers to show the audiences how the application could be used to help households to #ShareTheLoad. Just as men rely on maps to navigate unfamiliar places outdoors, Home Map enables them to locate items within their own homes.

In one of the satirical videos, comedian Atul Khatri jests about the common scenario where husbands, like himself, often rely on their wives to locate everyday essentials around the house, like socks or salt. He playfully portrays his wife as the go-to person for such domestic quests. However, the narrative shifts when the voiceover introduces Ariel’s ‘Home App’, proposing to assist husbands in navigating their own homes, much like a map guides through unfamiliar terrain.

Finding the idea amusing, Atul questions whether such an app could actually become a reality, leaving viewers to wonder, “Is this really needed?”

In another video, actor Neha Saxena’s husband interrupts her as she’s getting ready, asking for the whereabouts of his socks. Frustrated by this all-too-familiar scenario, Neha turns to the audience, questioning if they can relate to such daily dilemmas. She humorously points out how husbands seem to excel at using apps, suggesting that Ariel’s ‘Home App’ could be a practical solution for them.

The video concludes with Neha’s husband expressing gratitude towards the ‘Home App’ for guiding him through his own home. This leaves viewers pondering, ‘Is this app really a necessity?’
