Best of BS Opinion: New tale of two Indias, the four pitfalls & more | Opinion Specials

Best of BS Opinion: New tale of two Indias, the four pitfalls & more | Opinion Specials
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Best of BS Opinion: New tale of two Indias, the four pitfalls & more | Opinion Specials

Avoiding policy flaws more important than fulfilling  India Inc’s Budget wish list

Illustration: Binay Sinha

The future of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) remains deeply uncertain, with both US presidential candidates displaying a marked predilection for protectionism. How should India respond? The broader fact that the WTO has become dysfunctional is beyond New Delhi’s control alone. But the fact is that lack of faith in the WTO is spurring various plurilateral efforts. Indian officials must recognise that this is reality and figure out how to become part of the process, not just bystanders, the top edit argues. Read it here

In other views:  

Ashok K Bhatttacharya explains why avoiding policy flaws in the Budget is more important than fulfilling India Inc’s wish list. Read it here

Rama Bijapurkar assesses the new tale of “two India’s”. Read it here

The second edit suggests that deeper engagement with the states would further the cause of labour reforms. Read it here



“This deal contemplates that Assange will have served five years in prison for activities that journalists engage in everyday”


Jameel Jaffer of Columbia University on Julian Assange plea deal

First Published: Jun 26 2024 | 6:30 AM IST