Kartik Aaryan led Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 has taken an extraordinary start at the box office in India, with early estimates indicating collections in the range of Rs. 34 crores to Rs. 36 crores. The film has emerged as the biggest opener to date for Kartik Aaryan, that too by a big margin. In fact, Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 has emerged as the first-ever Kartik Aaryan film to earn Rs. 20 crore and Rs. 30 crore on the opening day.

Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 stuns box office with Rs. 35 cr. opening on Day 1; Kartik Aaryan achieves career-best debut day :Bollywood Box Office

The film collected around Rs. 17 crores on the opening day across the national chains – PVR, Inox and Cinepolis – but the real surprise has come in with the performances in the non-national chains like MovieMax, Miraj, and MovieTime. The first weekend of Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 will touch the Rs. 100 crore mark, emerging the fastest Rs. 100 crore film for Kartik Aaryan. The film is already a hit due to controlled costs and it’s now about beginning the journey to emerge as a super hit in the long run.

The initial word of mouth is positive, however, it’s the Monday trend that will tell us how far can the film go in the long run.

More Pages: Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 Box Office Collection , Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 Movie Review