Bulletproof ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ Survives ‘Deadnaming’ Gag

Bulletproof ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ Survives ‘Deadnaming’ Gag

Bulletproof ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ Survives ‘Deadnaming’ Gag


Larry David is liberal to the core, but he’s not a Leftist.

There’s a difference.

The genius behind both “Seinfeld” and HBO’s “Curb Your Enthusiasm” may loathe Donald Trump, but he doesn’t hold back in his comedy.


He kicks over sacred cows via his on-screen doppelgänger in “Curb,” now in its 12th and final season. Consider the following topics David has spun laughs from during his “Curb” run.

  • MeToo
  • Israel/Palestine
  • Incest
  • The Holocaust

And, over the years, “Curb” drew little, if any, “cancellation” threats. Even if the show did, David likely wouldn’t care.

He’s one of the few artists who won’t go on any “apology tours” for an offensive bit. When he attempted an insincere apology for roughing up Elmo on national TV, he later backpedaled and vowed to do it again, if needed.

In that way he’s similar to comedian Adam Carolla. The former “Man Show” host has vowed to never apologize for a joke. And he’s stuck to that mantra.

The second-to-last “Curb” episode, dubbed “Ken/Kendra,” aired five days ago. The story features Bruce Springsteen, playing himself, praising Larry for defying Georgia’s election laws earlier in the season.

It turns out Larry once dated Springsteen’s publicist. Except the person Larry bedded more than 20 years ago went by Kendra. Now, he is a trans man who goes by Ken.

Larry panics when Ken reminds them of their shared past.

“You’ve changed … quite a lot,” Larry stammers.

“Small world, Larry. You slept with Ken,” Springsteen says.

“No, no no. I slept with Kendra, not Ken,” Larry says. “Kendra is not Ken.”

The Boss disagrees, but Larry holds firm.

“Ken is Ken. Kendra is Kendra. And never the twain shall meet,” he says, ending the discussion.

That’s “deadnaming,” which means, referring to “a transgender or nonbinary person by a name they used before transitioning.” The far-Left USA Today contends the practice, whether done on purpose or by accident, “causes harm.”

The “deadnaming” concept often fuels debate in today’s culture, much like some elements of trans culture. Still, trans activists and the modern Left both embrace the term and fear its practice could hurt the trans community.

So where’s the outrage over the episode? We’ve seen next to nothing on social media or in the press.


Four reasons.

Activists choose their targets carefully. David’s rock-ribbed progressivism offers him a measure of protection against cancellation. It’s similar to how progressive comic Jimmy Kimmel survived his serial blackface appearances without any professional blowback.

Had Tim Allen or another right-leaning artist attempted a similar “Ken/Kendra” bit the reception would be different.

Dramatically so.

David’s “Curb” character regularly offends people. It’s in his DNA and remains the show’s brand. Viewers understand it’s an intrinsic part of the series. That means they accept every new outrageous gag as just Larry being Larry.

David’s unwillingness to apologize for his humor has consequences. The activist Left doesn’t harass Carolla despite endless examples of him sharing “problematic” jokes. They know he’ll ignore them, so they leave him alone.

It helps that he built a “pirate ship” to steer his career. He’s his own boss and can’t be fired.

Something similar applies to David. His “no apologies” mantra scares off anyone who might consider canceling him for the “Ken/Kendra” episode.

The fourth reason? Actor Ian Harvie, who plays Ken on the episode, is a trans man in real life. He previously appeared in Amazon Prime’s “Transparent” series. Harvie, a comedian by trade, clearly accepted the bit given his contributions to the scene.

Ironically, “Curb” previously tried to stage a trans-themed bit in 2015 involving a bathroom but two separate trans performers turned down the chance to be featured in it.

“I went on an audition for Curb Your Enthusiasm and Larry David was there,” Cayne tells THR. “The part was for a trans woman who had to go to the bathroom really bad and decided she was going to go in the men’s line because it was quicker. I said, ‘Thank you for writing a trans part, but I can’t audition because a trans woman wouldn’t do this. I have to honor my community,’ and I walked out of the audition,” exiting with, ” ‘But I love the show!’ ”

The show eventually cut the sequence.

The final episode of “Curb Your Enthusiasm” airs April 7 on Max.
