cBrain Delivers Digital Solution to Certify Responsible

cBrain Delivers Digital Solution to Certify Responsible

cBrain Delivers Digital Solution to Certify Responsible


Press Release no. 04/2024

cBrain Delivers Digital Solution to Certify Responsible Cannabis Production in California

Copenhagen, April 22, 2024

cBrain (NASDAQ: CBRAIN) has entered into an agreement with local authorities in California to deliver a digital solution supporting the GRASS-C (Growing Responsible and Socially Sustainable Cannabis) certification program.

With cannabis legalized in more than half of U.S. states and territories for recreational or medical use, there is a growing demand for tools to evaluate producer success, identify areas for improvement, and help producers market themselves as good environmental stewards. GRASS-C aims to fulfill these needs through a tiered market-incentive certification program for environmentally responsible cannabis production in California.

The GRASS-C agreement marks a next step in California, expanding the cBrain catalog of climate software solutions previously delivered for the Resource Conservation Districts in California. It also represents the first solution delivered in the US based on the F2 Service Builder.

The first phase of the GRASS-C project is expected to be completed in just eight weeks. This demonstrates how cBrain’s F2 standard software can help governments across the world significantly reduce the risk and time involved in digitizing government processes.

Best regards

Per Tejs Knudsen, CEO

Inquiries regarding this Press Release may be directed to

Ejvind Jørgensen, CFO & Head of Investor Relations, cBrain A/S, ir@cbrain.com, +45 2594 4973

  • Press Release no 2024-04 (Certify Responsible Cannabis Production in California)

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