Dr. Simone Whitemore Answers Fan Questions About Menopause

Dr. Simone Whitemore Answers Fan Questions About Menopause

Dr. Simone Whitemore Answers Fan Questions About Menopause


The Shade Room’s ‘Hot and Bothered‘ returns with its fifth episode this week.

And this time, Dr. Simone Whitmore is joined by Ms. Pat as they take on questions sent in by the roommates concerning all things VMS and menopause.

Dr. Simone White Gives Advice On Handling Menopause

One of the first questions came from Alicia, who shared how her sex drive had vanished since she saw a decline in her ovarian function.

And given that she’s in a relationship, Alicia was curious to know how to handle the matter so that her man doesn’t assume her lack of interest was his fault.

“Tell your husband right now is not a good time,” Ms. Pat laughingly said. “It’s hot like coffee, he gonna have to wait until things cool down.” Simone, on the other hand, mentioned the importance of effective communication. It’s not just about the physical aspects of menopause but also about the emotional rollercoaster that comes along with it.

Simone considers this the perfect time to express your feelings and concerns because, let’s face it, men are not that in-the-know about menopause. Not to mention that her partner may not even know what it truly entails. “He’s going to have to flirt and work harder at even getting you to think about sex,” Simone added.

But it all starts with being open about your menopausal struggles.

How To Deal With Hot Flashes At Work

The second question came from Christine, who points out she’s the only person above 40 at the company she currently works for.

She’s been battling a severe care of menopause, where her symptoms have ranged from hot flashes to anxiety, weight gain, insomnia, and hair loss.

Dr. Pat says that menopause is something that all women go through, and it shouldn’t be something to be embarrassed about.

The hot flash accompanying it, that sudden wave of heat that makes women want to strip off layers and stand in front of the nearest fan, is just as natural.

“As women we have to remember that men have moms, sisters, grandmothers. They have heard the word ‘hot flash’ before. So, it’s okay to be in that male-dominated world and have a hot flash. I have one all the time. Even when I’m on stage and I step back and say, ‘Look, give me a minute y’all. I’m burning up.’ They’ll probably get you some water.”

Yes, it can come as a surprise, especially when you’re in the middle of a work meeting, and suddenly you’re feeling hotter than a summer’s day in the Sahara.

But there’s no need for embarrassment as the body naturally goes through these changes, and there’s nothing to worry about, Ms. Pat assured.

Another question came from a woman named Aliyah, who asked Simone for advice to handle her hot flashes and profuse sweating at night, a common symptom linked to menopause.

This is the time when your body’s thermostat tends to be higher than usual due to the fluctuating hormone levels.

Times like these make women appreciate an air conditioner that much more. But how would Simone tackle this issue Aliyah has been dealing with?

Find out more about Simone’s answer, as well as more questions from curious roommates, in the video below!

RELATED: Dr. Simone Whitmore Talks Keeping Things Spicy This Valentine’s Day With VMS | TSR Hot And Bothered
