Employment in India During July-September Grew in Urban Areas

Employment in India During July-September Grew in Urban Areas
According to data released by the Ministry of Statistics on Monday, the Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR) among people aged 15 and over in India’s urban areas increased from 49.3% during the July–September 2023 period to 50.4% during the July–September 2024 period, indicating an increase in employment.
According to gender-specific data, the LFPR for males aged 15 and older in urban areas rose from 73.8% in July–September 2023 to 75.0% in July–September 2024, indicating a general upward trend in male LFPR.
According to a statement from the Statistics Ministry, the LFPR among females aged 15 and older in urban areas also rose from 24.0% during July–September 2023 to 25.5% during July–September 2024, showing a rise in employment.
An additional indicator of the rise in employment is the Worker Population Ratio (WPR), which is the proportion of employed people in the population in urban areas among those aged 15 and over. It went from 46.0% in July–September 2023 to 47.2% in July–September 2024.
According to a Labour Ministry release, WPR for males aged 15 and older in urban areas rose from 69.4% in July–September 2023 to 70.7% in July–September 2024, indicating a general upward trend in male WPR.
In metropolitan regions, the unemployment rate (UR) for those aged 15 and over fell from 6.6% in July–September 2023 to 6.4% in July–September 2024.
The percentage of people in the labour force who are jobless is known as the unemployment rate (UR). In terms of gender, the UR among males aged 15 and older fell from 6.0% in July–September 2023 to 5.7% in July–September 2024.
According to the release, UR among females aged 15 and older fell from 8.6% in July–September 2023 to 8.4% in July–September 2024.
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