EXCLUSIVE: Kevin Hart and Bryan Smiley on Fight Night, Bollywood and more

EXCLUSIVE: Kevin Hart and Bryan Smiley on Fight Night, Bollywood and more

EXCLUSIVE: Kevin Hart and Bryan Smiley on Fight Night, Bollywood and more


In Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist, a limited series based on the most audacious underworld heist in Atlanta that took place during Muhammed Ali’s historic comeback fight in 1970, Kevin Hart plays small-time hustler Chicken Man. Joining him is an ensemble cast full of A-listers including Samuel L. Jackson, Taraji P. Henson and Don Cheadle. Based on the acclaimed iHeart true-crime podcast, the period drama revolves around the infamous crime where some of the wealthiest were robbed during an afterparty and the ensuing police investigation.

In an exclusive interview with Filmfare, actor Kevin Hart and executive producer Bryan Smiley opened up about the show’s making, appreciation for Bollywood and more.

What was it like working with Samuel L. Jackson, Taraji P. Henson and Don Cheadle?

Kevin: It’s amazing. Look at the names you just said and look at the resumes attached to all. The fact that Samuel L. Jackson is a bad guy in anything that I got the opportunity to do is huge. You’re looking at a legend and other legends. At this stage in my career, I’m trying my best to align as many legends as I can around great material so that I can say from a company perspective that we’re doing amazing things. It’s not really about my talent anymore. It’s about the talent of all. The priority is finding the material that allows us all to work together so that we can all make great memories and have great stories. I was like a kid in a candy store, it’s a pinch-myself moment even now.

Fight Night Kevin Hart

What are the challenges of recreating history and stylising it the way Fight Night does?

Bryan: You have to be authentic. That means you have to bring in a crew that understands that period. And I think we really hit that nail. The audience needs to be transported back to 1970s Atlanta when it was becoming a national and global kind of city. We wanted to make sure that as you watch it, you truly feel like you are there again.

Kevin: I don’t think it’s about the challenges. I think it’s what is most exciting, right? Not having it all figured out is exciting. Not having all the answers beforehand is great because when you’re on the set or during the process, the discoveries you make will enhance the show. The thing that presented itself to be the biggest obstacle is making sure you’re not just tracking the story, but you’re tracking the stakes within your performance outside of the dialogue. The dialogue is the easy part. Your body language, your eyes, your complexity, those are the things that I think are most important when playing a character like this and making sure that you don’t sway away from the times and go current or modern while you’re supposed to be in a period. I would say just being aware of what the 70s were, being aware of how I should be looking, what I should be saying, and what my actions should be as well. Those are some of the obstacles. But for me, it’s all about being excited to embark on those challenges.

Kevin, you have fans in India, have you ever experienced the culture and Bollywood?

Kevin: I love these questions because I’m never going to lie. A lot of people try to lie here and they go, I know it all. I’m not going to do that. You’re not going to catch me out there like that. I’m very much aware of Bollywood. I’m very much aware of the success attached to it and how big of a movie business it is in India. What I would best want to be educated on are my opportunities to come there and work with some of the biggest stars. I’m not a firm believer in everybody coming to the States to do the big things. I think you’re big and you’re successful for a reason. If I ever did have the opportunity to come in and have the cameo or have a couple of scenes that I could come in and steal with some of the best, I think that would be dope. But the stars that have crossed over like Nick Jonas’ wife Priyanka Chopra, is a great person. I know her through Nick and our relationship with Jumanji. But knowing the magnitude of her success and her following and seeing her be able to come here while staying true to Bollywood. Those are dope things. I would love the opportunity to be one of the few that went over and crossed the bridge to that side. To be honest, I am not aware of it all. I am not as indebted to the understanding of it, but I would love to be educated more and have the opportunity to work with some if I could.

Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist is currently streaming.
