Former RSS Mouthpiece Editor Dies After Being Run Over by Train

Former RSS Mouthpiece Editor Dies After Being Run Over by Train


Last Updated: December 11, 2023, 13:52 IST

He was hit by an express train on December 10 evening near Chetpet railway station. (Representative File: PTI)

He was hit by an express train on December 10 evening near Chetpet railway station. (Representative File: PTI)

A ‘pracharak’ for over four decades, he has held various positions in the organisation

Sundara Jothi, former editor of RSS Tamil magazine “Vijayabaratham” died after being run over by a train, the Saffron outfit said on Monday. The 68-year old full-time worker, who had a low degree of vision and hearing loss was hit by an express train on December 10 evening near Chetpet railway station.

Sundara Jothi, affectionately addressed as ‘Jothi Ji’ by Sangh workers, helmed the RSS official organ published in Tamil for over a decade and also had performed administrative functions, a statement said.

A ‘pracharak’ for over four decades, he has held various positions in the organisation. Amiable in nature, he was articulate and well-versed in Tamil and English. The RSS state headquarters is located at Chetpet in the city.

(This story has not been edited by News18 staff and is published from a syndicated news agency feed – PTI)
