Gas Prices Topping $5 Once Again, Will Rise Higher In Coming Weeks

Gas Prices Topping $5 Once Again, Will Rise Higher In Coming Weeks
The Los Angeles County average for a gallon of regular gas is now at $5.035. That’s an overall increase in the state of nearly 35 cents compared with the average a month ago, according to the American Automobile Assn.
Orange County drivers are seeing average prices of slightly less than $5 a gallon.
Crude oil prices typically rise at this time of year and now sit at prices of more than $80 per barrel, said Doug Shupe, Auto Club spokesman.
“When you have so many people filling up … you’re going to have upward pressure on the pump prices, and that’s what we’re seeing now at the pumps,” he said.
In a few weeks, California will also be switching over to its summer blend of gas, which could be 15 cents more expensive per gallon than the current winter blend, Shupe said.
The national average for a gallon of gas is $3.533, according to AAA.