Getting What You Need to Thrive + Saving Big

Getting What You Need to Thrive + Saving Big

Getting What You Need to Thrive + Saving Big


Hi friend! Since we’re now at the halfway point of Tiny Buddha’s Best You, Best Life Bundle sale, I’m emailing with a little more information about both my new self-care course and the bundle as a whole.

First, a little about my self-care journey.

In my four decades (plus!) on this crazy ride called life, I’ve experienced four distinct chapters: a decade of harmful early programming, a second decade of escalating self-destruction, a decade of substantial healing, and a decade of (near) thriving.

For years, I attributed my growth and healing to therapy and self-help, but I now know none of it would have been possible without deep-level self-care. And by that I don’t just mean yoga and baths and walks on the beach—though I love all those things.

I’m also talking about recognizing and addressing all the factors that contributed to my low self-worth and uncovering my limiting beliefs around self-care so I could overcome them.

We take care of people we value. That was the big insight for me. Which means true self-care is only possible if we overcome all the barriers to valuing ourselves and backing it up with action.

Until we get past all those internal blocks, we’ll have a hard time prioritizing ourselves, and we’ll be far more likely to neglect, abandon, and betray ourselves in all our areas of our lives.

We’ll settle for jobs that drain us, relationships that hurt us, and other life circumstances that don’t serve us.

This is what my new eCourse, Breaking Barriers to Self-Care, is all about: identifying and overcoming the blocks to meeting our deepest needs.

If you feel drained, depleted, burnt out, overwhelmed, or underwhelmed with the life you’ve settled for, this course is for you.

I’m not usually big on making videos of myself because it’s outside my comfort zone, but I made a short one discussing the bundle and my course, which you can find here if you’re interested!

Next, the bundle offer:

This is a time-limited sale—for 10 days only, 5 left as of tomorrow—offering 13 life-changing online tools for the price of one. The total value of these eCourses and workshops is over $2,500, but the bundle sells for just $97, which amounts to 96% off.

The bundle’s offerings include eCourses to help you:

  • Discover your life’s purpose and overcome the obstacles standing between you and your biggest goals.
  • Reduce anxiety and feel less overwhelmed as a highly sensitive person.
  • Release hurt from the past so you can forgive and move on.
  • Improve your sleep by learning how to calm your mind and adjust your daytime habits.
  • Strengthen your intuition so you can make the best possible decisions for yourself.
  • Boost your health by growing your own pesticide-free veggies with an aquaponics system.
  • And more!

Lastly, the results:

Though I haven’t received any feedback on my course yet, since it’s newly launched with this bundle, as you’ll see when you click through here, all of the programs in the bundle have glowing testimonials.

For example, one course member had this to say about Doodling for Total Life Transformation, by Adam Sicinski:

“I’ve tried so many self-development programs that cost thousands of dollars, but none of them gave me that complete change in all areas of my life like this one. This course literally gave me the knowledge and confidence to go get what I want most.”

Here’s what one grateful participant had to say about Julie Bjelland’s Brain Training for HSPs:

“Prior to taking this class I was very anxious, stressed, and unhappy with myself. I felt different from everyone else (friends, family, coworkers, etc.). I took this out on others and myself. Now, eight weeks later, I feel calm, relaxed, and I am completely okay with being different. I embrace my sensitivity as a gift and take time to care for myself to stay balanced. When I stumble, I have my toolbox handy to help pick me up and get me back on track. This class is truly worth it and, most importantly, you’re worth it!”

And here’s what one course member had to say about Diana Bird’s workshop series How to Transform Your Relationship (Even If Your Partner Has Zero Interest):

“I wish I’d learnt this decades ago. I get now why I’ve had so many problems in my relationships. Learning about how emotions actually work has been life-changing for me and all of my relationships – including with my parents who I used to be estranged from. Thank you.”

Interested in learning more? Click here to read about all 13 life-changing tools in Tiny Buddha’s Best You, Best Life Bundle sale.  This offer is only good until Friday, January 12th, and then each program will revert to its usual cost (the highest priced at $399).

Also, I’m running some pretty exciting giveaways on Instagram throughout the sale, offering four Tiny Buddha books and a 2024 Day-to-Day Calendar to one winner who comments on each post. If you’re interested in entering, you can comment here, here, and here!
