Health conglomerate Kaiser notifies millions of a data breach, ET HealthWorld

Health conglomerate Kaiser notifies millions of a data breach, ET HealthWorld

Health conglomerate Kaiser notifies millions of a data breach, ET HealthWorld


London: U.S. health conglomerate Kaiser is notifying millions of its members of a data breach earlier this month, it reported in a notice posted on Thursday.

The Kaiser Foundation Health Plan confirmed that 13.4 million residents had their information taken in a data breach, as per a legally required notice filed with the U.S. government on April 12 and reported on Thursday.

Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, which operates as Kaiser Permanente, is one of the leading U.S. health care providers.

Kaiser Permanente said it is not aware of any misuse of any member’s or patient’s personal information.

“Out of an abundance of caution, we are informing about 13.4 million current and former members and patients who accessed our websites and mobile applications,” Kaiser told in a emailed response to Reuters.

The incident at Kaiser is listed on the Department of Health and Human Services’ breach notification portal.

(Reporting by Pratik Jain in Bengaluru; Editing by Shailesh Kuber)

  • Published On Apr 26, 2024 at 06:18 AM IST

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