How to Make Homemade Pasta – From Scratch

How to Make Homemade Pasta – From Scratch

How to Make Homemade Pasta – From Scratch


The whole world is slowing down!

We have faced local, regional or even country-wise emergencies before but #Coronavirus is something that’s making the entire world stop and take stock. Lock-downs, Quarantines and wheels of economies coming to a grinding halt…This period has shined light on our state of self-sufficiency more than ever. Our dependence on supermarkets for anything and everything became glaringly obvious when supply chains suddenly got disrupted. Even essential staples became hard to procure and it created a frenzy among people!

Knowing how to cook-from-scratch using basic ingredients was the saving grace for us and I am sure learning these skills will keep us in good stead always; pandemic or not! While the world as we know it has completely turned upside down for us, all I am doing is counting my blessings and keeping my people engaged in what we do best…Cooking together!

Made some fresh homemade fresh pasta (Fettuccine) from scratch with loads of veggies in bechamel sauce.

Pictures – Author’s Own



We have a Pasta-Maker at home and we have been making fresh pastas using this for many years now. I started out making my pastas using All purpose flour/maida…well because it comes out better. But off late, we have started making whole wheat pastas too. I use regular whole wheat flour/atta and add some freshly chopped basil sometimes. Might not look very appealing as it’s maida counter-part but it was deliiiicious. This a herbed pasta I made sometime back.


Rolling sheets out of a Pasta-Maker


Dough rolled out in a Pasta-Maker


Dough rolled out by hand using rolling pin


You can use either Pasta-maker or Rolling pin


You can cut strips using a knife or a pizza cutter


Strips cut using Pasta-Maker


Sprinkle some dry flour to prevent strips from sticking or line dry


First batch of pasta ribbons ready to be dropped in hot water

 Privacy policy – All Pictures are Author’s own

For Plain Pasta Dough: (for a family of 3)


  • 1 Egg
  • 100g flour (Add more if needed)
  • 1/2 tsp olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp salt


  • Break an egg into a bowl.
  • Add salt and olive oil and mix well.
  • Fold in the flour into the mixture and combine everything well.
  • Knead the dough for about 10 minutes, adding more flour if needed.
  • Consistency is almost like our chapati dough
  • Wrap it with a cloth and refrigerate for 30 minutes
  • The dough is ready to use.

Steps to prepare:

Now, I have a Pasta-Maker that I use to roll out my sheets but, you can still make pastas without a pasta-maker! Yes. You can accomplish the same by just rolling out the dough balls really thin using your rolling pin. Once you roll out thin sheets, you just have to cut them into the desired shape – thin flat ribbons like Fettuccine, or even make Ravioli.

Once you have your desired shape ready, drop them into roaring hot water (just like you do with your store-bought ones). Only difference here is that being fresh pasta they cook in a matter of seconds.

How do you check if it’s cooked and ready?

Well once the pasta is cooked, it will come up to the surface of the water. Once it starts floating, it’s your indication that the pasta is cooked!

It’s that Simple! Really!!!

Today we made Fettucine Alfredo with lots of garlic, butter, broccoli, carrots, corn and mushrooms. You could use any vegetable that you like and combine it with a red or a white sauce of your choice and Enjoy!

Gone are your store-bought pasta days…

From now on, you can enjoy freshly made pastas at home that are oh-so-delicious, melt-in-your-mouth soft and smooth with just a few ingredients at hand. Isn’t this super easy? Don’t you wish you knew this earlier…Well, now you know.

And you are most welcome 🙂

So, Fettuccine Alfredo anyone?

Don’t forget to share your pasta dishes with me…


Until then,

