Fans were recently treated to a delightful exchange between superstar Hrithik Roshan and his cousin Pashmina Roshan as she gears up for her big-screen debut in Ishq Vishk Rebound. The daughter of music-director Rajesh Roshan already enjoys a massive fan following on social media and she took to the platform to share a recent update on her forthcoming teenage romance drama. And the soon-to-be-debutant received a lot of love from her cousin and Bollywood superstar Hrithik Roshan.
Hrithik Roshan shares his anticipation as cousin Pashmina Roshan makes debut with Ishq Vishk Rebound
Pashmina Roshan took to Instagram to share a moment from her debut movie, captioning her post with excitement: “Skipping my way to the cinemas. Meet you on the 28th of this June.” The announcement immediately caught the attention of Hrithik Roshan, who couldn’t contain his enthusiasm for his cousin’s milestone moment. In a heartwarming gesture of support, Hrithik reshared Pashmina’s post on his Instagram story, adding his own touch of anticipation as he wrote, “Woah Can’t Wait!”
In 2022, Pashmina had taken to the platform to announce her association with the film and had said, “It feels like years of austerity and hard work is finally bearing fruits. I’m extremely excited, nervous and elated to bring to you my first experience on screen: When relationships can be found on apps, and lost over a chat, you know that love needs an upgrade. ISHQ VISHK REBOUND. It’s time to move on.”
Taking a cue from the popular song of the 2003 coming-of-age romantic drama, she had added further, “You Believe In Love Love We Believe In Love Love” And now Love will get an upgrade in Ishq Vishk Rebound”.
Directed by Nipun Avinash Dharmadhikari, the film, which is expected to be a sequel of sorts with a different set of characters and storyline of Ishq Vishk, is titled Ishq Vishk Rebound. It also stars Jibraan Khan, Rohit Saraf, and Naila Grewal alongside Pashmina Roshan.
Also Read: From Janhvi Kapoor to Pashmina Roshan, 5 actresses who rocked the denim trend with effortless style and flair
More Pages: Ishq Vishk Rebound Box Office Collection
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