ICSI CSEET 2024 admit card released at icsi.edu, steps to download | Education News

ICSI CSEET 2024 admit card released at icsi.edu, steps to download | Education News
ICSI CSEET 2024: The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) today (April 25) issued the admit cards for the Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) to be held in May. Candidates who applied for the CSEET entrance exam 2024 can download the admit cards from the official website — icsi.edu.
The exam is scheduled to be held on May 4. Candidates have to use their CSEET login credentials such as registration number and date of birth to download the ICSI CSEET May 2024 admit card.

ICSI CSEET: How to download
Step 1: Visit the official website — icsi.edu
Step 2: On the homepage, click on the admit card release notification
Step 3: Login using your credentials such as registration number, date of birth, and password
Step 4: The admit card will be displayed on your screen
Step 5: Check all the details mentioned in the admit card
Step 6: Download and save the admit card for future references.
The CSEET admit card 2024 carries essential details such as the candidate’s name, roll number, exam center details including address and timings, photograph, signature, exam date, and instructions for the examination.
ICSI also commenced the registration of CSEET in July 2024, candidates who want to participate in the July session exam can fill out the online application form by June 15. The July session exam is scheduled to be held on July 6.
CSEET May 2024: Exam pattern
ICSI CSEET 2024 question paper will have four sections, business communication, legal aptitude and logical reasoning, economic and business environment, current affairs, and quantitative aptitude, each carrying 35 questions. Candidates will get 120 minutes to complete the CSEET exam. Each paper carries multiple choice questions, with one or two marks each, and four options with a single correct answer. There is no negative marking in the CSEET exam, and the exam is of 200 marks.