iEmergent brings actionable mortgage market intelligence to credit unions as ACUMA affiliate member

iEmergent brings actionable mortgage market intelligence to credit unions as ACUMA affiliate member

iEmergent brings actionable mortgage market intelligence to credit unions as ACUMA affiliate member


DES MOINES, Iowa, March 7, 2024 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — iEmergent, a forecasting and advisory services firm for the financial services, mortgage and real estate industries, announced it has joined the American Credit Union Mortgage Association (ACUMA) as an affiliate member. Since its founding nearly a quarter century ago, iEmergent has worked with credit unions and other lenders to identify missed mortgage opportunities and close gaps in market coverage. As an ACUMA affiliate, iEmergent will leverage its deep experience and award-winning technology to help the trade association’s nearly 400 credit union members build and execute data-driven mortgage growth, recruitment and referral partner strategies.

Image caption: iEmergent.

Mortgage MarketSmart, iEmergent’s cutting-edge market intelligence and forecasting platform, reveals mortgage opportunity down to the neighborhood level by projecting loan production metrics on maps that can be overlaid with robust external data sets like historical lending metrics, demographic and income data, real estate agent and listing intelligence, community points of interest, census tract-level opportunity forecasts and more. Mortgage MarketSmart gives credit unions everything they need to quantify and act on market growth opportunities, including diverse lending and recruiting strategies that support financial institutions’ fair lending and Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) obligations.

“We bring mortgage opportunities to life for credit unions, showing them exactly where their members are and where their gaps in coverage lie, and then we work hand in hand to build effective strategies for closing those gaps,” said iEmergent CEO Laird Nossuli. “We look forward to helping ACUMA members—all credit unions that have made a conscious investment in mortgage lending—capture more markets and, in so doing, better serve the home financing needs of members.”

ACUMA is a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering credit unions and credit union service organizations (CUSOs) to provide premier real estate and home loan services for their members. Its membership encompasses a diverse group including federal and state-chartered credit unions, CUSOs, mortgage insurance firms, secondary market investors, investment banking entities and technology providers specializing in mortgage lending solutions.

“It’s our goal to provide credit unions with access to the best education and resources within the housing finance industry. This is supported by iEmergent’s ability to identify and close market gaps in mortgage lending,” stated ACUMA President Peter J. Benjamin. “We’re excited to welcome iEmergent and present this valuable resource to our members.”

About iEmergent

Founded in 2000, iEmergent provides mortgage lending forecasts and analytics to the lending, housing and real estate industries. The company offers an extensive variety of forecast and market intelligence products, including Mortgage MarketSmart, a visualization tool that helps lenders quantify how mortgage markets will change. For more information, visit

TAGS: @iemergent @ACUMA #creditunions #housingfinance #housingequity #housingeconomy #mortgage

(not for print or online)
Leslie W. Colley
DepthPR for iEmergent
(678) 622-6229

News Source: iEmergent
