Important Tasks To Complete Once You Have the Keys

Important Tasks To Complete Once You Have the Keys
Congratulations on getting the keys to your new home! Whether you’re a first-time buyer, taking that first rung on the property ladder, or you’ve moved into a new home that better suits your needs, there’s no better feeling than being handed the keys for the very first time.
While you’re undoubtedly busy unpacking mountains of boxes and wondering how you’re going to make your own decorative mark on your new home, there are plenty of other important tasks that you need to focus on to ensure that you settle into your new home without a hitch. In this post, we’ll explore some of the important tasks you should be ticking off your new home list. Read on to find out more.
Arrange Home Insurance
No one wants to sift through even more paperwork once they’ve completed a house purchase, but finding a new house insurance provider via Money Expert home insurance is a quick and easy way to get the coverage you need at a price that’s right for your budget.
Home insurance provides cover for your property. It comes in two forms – buildings and contents. Building cover gives you protection should your home be damaged through flood, fire, subsidence, and more. Whilst contents cover is cover for your belongings and protects you financially should they become stolen, damaged, or broken. Ask yourself if you can afford to replace stolen items in your home or be able to pay for fire or flood damage to be repaired. Home insurance is key to total peace of mind in your new home.
Get The Locks Changed
Who knows how many people still have the keys to your new home? Old tenants, previous homeowners from long ago, their relatives, or even previously trusted neighbors. Ensure that one of the first things you do when you get the new keys – is get them replaced and new locks fitted!
Check the Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors should be one of the first things you check when you move in. The batteries might last for several years, but checking that they’re in good working order is key to your safety. If your home doesn’t have a carbon monoxide detector, get one installed as soon as possible.
Take Meter Readings
The amount we pay for our utilities must be as accurate as possible. So, make a note of the readings on the day you move in and take photographic evidence. Send these to your providers as soon as possible with the date you moved in. This way there’ll be no discrepancies and no stress over who owes what.
Deep Clean
It’s probably not the most fun part of moving house, but giving your new property a good deep clean can really accentuate this fresh start. Not forgetting that people bringing in boxes, walking around with shoes on, and placing boxes on your countertops can encourage bacteria and dirt! Giving your new home a good clean will make it look good and make you feel great.
Final Thoughts…
Congratulations again on your new home! But before you settle down with a well-earned cup of tea, consider the steps above to make sure everything goes smoothly.
Also read: Types of Real Estate Properties: Houses, Condos, and More