Indian Doctors Successfully Perform Surgery To Correct Limb Length Discrepancy Know More Exclusive ABPP

Indian Doctors Successfully Perform Surgery To Correct Limb Length Discrepancy Know More Exclusive ABPP
Indian doctors have successfully performed a one-of-a-kind surgery to correct limb length discrepancy in a 26-year-old patient from Saudi Arabia. The patient, Abdullah, had a hip condition because of which the right side of his body was bent. In 2022, he underwent a total hip replacement (THR) surgery to be able to walk better, and to relieve himself of the pain. Despite this, he had to use crutches to walk, and faced other challenges. In the hope of a solution, he consulted doctors at CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram. It was these doctors who discovered that limb length discrepancy was the cause behind Abduallah’s pain.
The previous surgery had not completely addressed this issue. Limb length discrepancy is a condition in which there is a difference between the lengths of the upper limbs, or the lengths of the lower limbs. This results in an imbalance in the alignment of the body.
“In most cases, a slight difference of around one centimetre is considered acceptable. However, Abdullah experienced a limb discrepancy of 1.5 centimetres. This resulted in ongoing discomfort, and reduced the functionality of his body,” Dr Debashish Chanda, Joint Replacement Surgeon, CK Birla Hospital Gurugram, told ABP Live.
When there is a limb length discrepancy of more than one centimetre, the person suffers from gait asymmetry. With increasing discrepancy, the asymmetry increases, and limping becomes noticeable. Limb length discrepancy can also lead to degenerative arthritis, lower back pain, and hip, knee and ankle problems.
Hence, a person suffering from this condition must undergo immediate treatment to prevent other problems.
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Dr Chanda explained that the aim of the surgery was to ensure that both of Abdullah’s lower limbs were equal in length. The successful surgery not only restored his balance, but also eradicated his pain, improved mobility, and restored gait symmetry and alignment.
The hospital closely monitored the patient’s progress post surgery. The stitches were removed last week. According to the hospital, he has shown significant improvement, and is able to walk without crutches.
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