Instagram explores profile enhancements with public Collections feature

Instagram explores profile enhancements with public Collections feature

Instagram explores profile enhancements with public Collections feature


Instagram is exploring an expansion of its Collections feature, aiming to allow users to share curated sets of posts on their profiles. This enhancement could offer users a deeper understanding of each other’s interests. As demonstrated in a screenshot shared by app researcher Alessandro Paluzzi, Instagram’s public Collections would be accessible through an individual’s IG profile, allowing any visitor to explore them within the app.

This feature could serve as a convenient means to showcase personal interests such as celebrities, books, or movies, offering visitors insights to help them decide whether to follow the user. This extension builds upon the collaborative Collections feature launched by Instagram last year, which enables users to initiate private discussions based on posts, with participants able to contribute to the collection.

The purpose of this feature is to encourage more engagement by using posts as conversation starters and creating new discussions. While similar to the collaborative Collections, this new experiment is more focused on individual expression rather than group chat. 
