Jessica Biel Loves to Eat in the Shower, Recommends It to All

Jessica Biel Loves to Eat in the Shower, Recommends It to All
Jessica Biel has a shower habit that she hopes that more people will pick up.
A slew of recent whispers and report say that Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake are headed for a split.
Jessica is ready to talk … but not about that. She’d rather focus on her kids, and on a little “shower hack” that helps her balance motherhood and personal time.
She advocates eating in the shower. But there’s a whole list of rules to follow with it.

Jessica Biel eats in the shower, and so can you?
This week, the actress took to TikTok to sing the praises of shower-eating.
According to Biel, this is a time-saving habit that more people should be emulating.
“It’s pretty simple, guys,” the actress advocated. “You can do this. I find it deeply satisfying.”

If you felt a contrarian impulse, imagining the comedic scenario of eating ribs or a heaping pasta bowl of spaghetti, there are some limitations.
For one thing, Biel suggests that your shower have a ledge — one that you haven’t filled with shampoo, conditioner, body wash, or other things that belong in showers — for a coffee or a yogurt cup.
“I like to take a bite or a sip and put it on the ledge, and then you do your thing,” Biel advised. “You wash your hair — keep the soap out — that’s a big deal.”
Jessica Biel warns of a shower eating pitfall
“The only tricky thing is when you’re chewing, you got to keep your mouth closed,” Biel explained, as if teaching aliens how to impersonate humans.
She went on “because I still like to get under the water while I’m chewing, and for whatever reason, I want to open my mouth at the same time and spit water.”
That does make sense. Many times, in the shower, our faces are underwater as we remove shampoo, conditioner, or face washes. Spitting is a natural way to avoid swallowing soap — and a difficult instinct to break.

According to Biel, however, she wonders if this is an unconscious habit that she picked up in childhood.
She also suggested that it might be from when her two sons would, as younger children, spit in her face while bathing.
We don’t think that she’s referring to, like, her kids bullying her. Small children spit and sputter as a natural response to being around water, as an instinct to avoid drowning.

Not stopping there, Jessica Biel went on to describer her shower eating habit as “a relief in so many ways” if you are a multitasker.
“Chew, do not open the mouth [and] do not let the shower water in,” she reiterated.
Biel concluded: “There you go, enjoy your shower-consuming.” But that’s not all that she’s had to say.

Maybe the idea will catch on?
Biel has an infectious sense of style. Commenters on social media seem to be divided, but some fellow moms are cheering on the idea — either to save time or eat in solitude.
A number of these parents wrote comments that described their children eating their food, thus adding to their desire to sneak food in the shower.
One, that’s just a weird situation — you can just set boundaries with kids and make sure that they have their own food (your job as a parent). Two, that’s a weird read for the kids who grew up with moms who’d go on strict diets and then snatch food off of their kids’ plates because they were, you know, starving.

As many of her fans may remember, Jessica Biel has discussed her shower habit before.
Last December, she recommended cereal, yogurt, popsicles, coffee, and tea for shower consumption.
Why those items? Because they’ll just go down the drain if and when you spill them. Rotini alfredo will not.

But the actress has a wider range of foods that she enjoys eating in the shower. Way back in 2017, she shared that she enjoyed eating noodles in the shower.
And just a few years ago, she shared a photo of an empty plate on a shower ledge. She had just enjoyed some chicken-apple sausage.
Of course, Biel is an expert. And while it’s common for anyone under 45 to multitask while eating, it’ll be interesting to see how many people make the jump from “watching something on YouTube” to turning their shower into a second dining room.