‘Little People, Big World’ Feud Explained

‘Little People, Big World’ Feud Explained
It’s been Matt vs Zach Roloff on Little People, Big World for years.
What went wrong?
Family relationships are complex and fueled by a lot of conflicting emotions. Family feuds can carry a special kind of bitterness.
Fans want to understand where things went south for Matt and Zach. Its all starts

What Happened Between Zach Roloff and His Dad?
When Matt Roloff gave up his Silicon Valley job to buy farmland, he consigned his family to farm life.
Zach Roloff spent his childhood on Roloff Farms, just as the other siblings did.
And, when Jacob was on his walkabout and Molly moved off to live a more normal life, Zach continued working with his dad on the farm — always with the belief that he would one day run the farm, or help run it.

Matt and Amy Roloff’s marriage lasted for two decades
As anyone who watches Little People, Big World can attest, Amy and Matt Roloff have very different personalities. This has brought them into direct conflict numerous times over the years.
Now, they have both moved on. Amy married Chris Marek and Matt, who was already with Caryn Chandler, is building his mansion on what remains of Roloff Farms.
But the divorce of their long-lasting marriage meant that Matt bought out Amy’s share of Roloff Farms. At the time of the split, everyone — including Amy — assumed that Matt would one day pass on the farm to one or more of their children.

Matt Roloff put part of Roloff Farms for sale
Back in early 2022, Matt Roloff put 16 acres of Roloff Farms on the market. Selling a portion of the land didn’t mean abandoning the property, but it sent a clear message.
He was not going to be passing on the entire farm, or even just management of it, to any of his children any time soon.
While it didn’t seem that youngest son Jacob Roloff had any public issues with it, Zach made his displeasure very clear.

This dealt a blow to Matt and Zach’s father-son relationship
To say that Zach felt that Matt had betrayed him … pretty much sums it up, honestly. It turned their dynamic into a Matt vs Zach feud.
Zach and Tori had to reconsider their future as a couple. Zach’s twin brother, Jeremy Roloff, and his wife, Audrey, had already given up on the idea of Matt making good on his years of strongly suggesting that he’d pass on the farm.
To make matters worse, Matt had dangled the farm in front of Zach … offering the parcel of land at a price that he knew that Zach could never afford.

Matt Roloff gave Zach a peace offering
In a Little People, Big World episode that aired in 2022, Matt Roloff gifted Zach a lawnmower. It’s an expensive gift, though not necessarily equivalent to someone’s entire future.
“Maybe the mower can help begin that process of saying, ‘Hey! Let’s move on.’” Matt suggested to the camera.
Zach appreciated the gift for what it was, admitting: “It’s nice that my dad brought the lawnmower, but the relationship is still tense. It’s not like what it was.”

Zach Roloff no longer lives on Roloff Farms
Facing the reality that Matt had seemingly strung them along for years, Zach and Tori settled on finding their own home away from the farm.
Now, the couple and their kids have a spacious Oregon home with their own land. It’s not a sprawling pumpkin farm, but it’s full of potential projects for Zach to undertake.
Zach and Tori are still on Little People, Big World. They’re just no longer on the farm … and Matt is now a much smaller part of their lives.

Have Matt Roloff and Zach settled their differences?
With the start of Season 25 of Little People, Big World in February 2024, viewers knew that things remained tense.
Matt lamented the time that he’s missing with his grandchildren after he alienated their parents.
He knows that this is precious time that he will never get back with Jackson, Lilah, and Josiah.
Perhaps the situation with Matt Roloff feeling “cut off” from his grandkids will not last forever. But for now, it looks like it’s still Matt vs Zach Roloff.
But, as Zach said, even if they make peace, things will never again be the same between them.
Matt has made his choices, Zach has made his choices in response. And now they both have to live with those decisions. The entire family does.