Maharashtra 10th SSC Result 2024: When and where to check MSBSHSE score | Education News

Maharashtra 10th SSC Result 2024: When and where to check MSBSHSE score | Education News

Maharashtra 10th SSC Result 2024: When and where to check MSBSHSE score | Education News


MSBSHSE Maharashtra Board Class 10th SSC Result 2024: The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE) will announce state board class 10 exams result on May 26 in a press conference, followed by a direct link on the official website —

The exam commenced on March 1 and as per the schedule concluded on March 26 in a pen-paper format.

MSBSHSE 10th Result: When and Where to check Maharashtra Board Class 10th Result 2024 Online

Once released, students can check the Maharashtra board class 10 result after 1 pm at the official MSBSHSE website —,,, and from

The Maharashtra SSC result can be checked online on the board official website. Students should visit for the official SSC result 2024 at then to click on the ‘Maharashtra SSC result 2024 link’ and to enter roll number and mother’s first name in the Class 10 result 2024,finally they should click on “View Result” finally MAH SSC result 2024 will be shown on the screen.

Students will get original mark sheets from their respective schools after it is sent by the Maharashtra board. This process may take some time. Hence, the students can download online worksheets which will act as provisional scorecards to seek admissions to higher classes or junior college

Festive offer

If any student has any queries or objections regarding the results, last year the board had released a list of complaint redressal officers at every divisional level where the students can take their complaints. A format of the complaint is available on the website,, using which students can raise complaints. The complaint redressal officer would have to resolve the complaints/queries within 10 days.

Last year, girls again outshone boys, posting an overall pass percentage of 95.87. The pass percentage for boys stood at 92.05 per cent. In 2023 the overall pass percentage for Class 10 SSC results in 2023 is 93.83 per cent, which was a decrease of 3 per cent compared to the previous year.

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