Mo’Nique’s Son Addresses The Comedian’s Comments (Video)

Mo’Nique’s Son Addresses The Comedian’s Comments (Video)
Shalon Watkins Jr., the oldest son of Mo’Nique, is addressing his mother’s recent comments regarding their relationship. As The Shade Room previously reported, the comedian went viral after appearing on Shannon Sharpe’s podcast ‘Club Shay Shay’ last week.
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Shalon Wakins Jr. Opens Up About His Relationship With His Mother Mo’Nique
On Tuesday, February 13, Watkins Jr. took to TikTok to speak on his relationship with his mother. During the almost ten-minute video, he alleged that Mo’Nique gave the public a “false narrative” when she explained on Sharpe’s show that she’s hoping for her and Shalon to reconnect.
“My mother and I both know that that is a very false narrative, and I would like to free her of having to continue telling that lie,” he said. “Faith without work is dead and neither one of us cares to put forth any effort to reconcile with the other.”
Watkins Jr. alleged that he and his mother are “separate” because she “doesn’t care” to be his mother no more than he cares “to be her son.” Additionally, he explained that neither one of them anticipates their feelings on reconciling will change.
“Speaking to my mother directly, in my experience, will either lead to some odd newfound moment of clarity in regards to how she was as my mother or she retreats back to daddy to move forward with the conversation and I’m tired of hearing my mother’s truths — news flash, I’m not sure if people know, but standing in your truth doesn’t make you noble.”
From there, Mo’Nique’s son went on to allege that she informed him of not wanting to focus on motherhood during his childhood. Despite his being open to forgive that, he added that Mo’Nique only acknowledges her faults while only taking accountability “at her convenience.”
Watkins Jr. alleged that Mo’Nique’s interest in motherhood sprouted after she married and had children with her current husband Sidney Hicks.
“To this day, my mother has never expressed to me when — if ever — she became interested in me as her son,” he continued, before explaining that Mo’Nique’s apology to him “holds no weight.”
Watkins Jr. ultimately explained that his mother has even given credit to other female family members for raising him better than she could. He also alleged Mo lost herself amid her fame and monetary success.
Before concluding, he added that he would be extremely appreciative if his mother stopped sharing the “false narrative” regarding their relationship.
Social Media Weighs In On Mo’Nique’s Son & His Comments
Social media users entered The Shade Room’s comment section to share mixed reactions to Watkins Jr.’s revelations and sentiments for his mother.
Rapper Asian Doll wrote.
“Celebrity kids be so opp’d you couldn’t pay me to get on social media & bad talk my mother at his big age 💯”
While Instagram user @drrashonnekcurry added.
“We hear this from celebrity kids all the time. Parents chasing the bag to provide for their kids, the kids feel neglected. The parents end up regretting it. He says she has apologized but he didn’t accept it. He’s triggered because she said she’s praying that God/the Universe brings them back together. His feelings are valid, but what more can she do if he’s not ready to accept her apology and move forward? And why is this news?”
Instagram user @msblingmiami wrote.
“‘Faith without works is dead’. Some of you may have missed when he said she apologized but didn’t put in the work. Someone saying sorry and not doing anything to change the behavior is meaningless. An apology without changed behavior is a form of manipulation. He still desires the love and embrace of his mother but it never came. This is heartbreaking. However, I respect his awareness and being present to ensure his child receives the parenting he did not.🙏🏽❤️”
While Instagram user @marjorieroyal added.
“Before folks start, she talked about their relationship first so he is very entitled to respond on how he was treated!”
Instagram user @imitationbyjerell wrote.
“This man has every right to speak his opinion. His mother chose to have a career instead of raising him, and brought his name up publicly while he lives privately. Most of y’all didn’t even know he existed.”
Terrell Owens added.
“I thought I heard correctly but YOU admitted that she apologized but seems to me that you’re not receptive of her apology and THAT’S ON YOU. Because things didn’t happen like you wanted while growing up doesn’t minimize or lessen her apology. Whether you take her apology seriously, wholeheartedly or not, again, IS ON YOU. Respectfully.”
While Instagram user @kailonij wrote.
“When he said he’s ‘Struggling to understand the value of a mother in a son’s life’ whew those words are heartbreaking to hear.”
Instagram user @nicknpattiwhack_ added.
“Him and his mother both be articulating their words … they need to articulate that relationship and be a family again”
What The Comedian Previously Said About The Relationship With Her Son
When Mo’Nique appeared on ‘Club Shay Shay,’ she explained that her and her oldest son are “very much separated.” However, she prays to the universe to “let time to the healing.”
“And that’s it – let time do that healing,” she told Sharpe. “It may heal it in time and it may not and that’s something that we as parents have to say, ‘Listen, I’ve done what I could do. I’ve taken accountability for it, now it’s up to you.’”
Watch Shalon Watkin’s Jr.’s statements about his mother below and swipe to watch Mo’Nique’s initial sentiments.
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