NCET 2024: NTA releases provisional answer key at | Education News

NCET 2024: NTA releases provisional answer key at | Education News

NCET 2024: NTA releases provisional answer key at | Education News


The National Testing Agency today released the provisional answer key for National Common Entrance Test (NCET) 2024. The provisional answer keys can be accessed from the official NCET website —

Window for raising objections is now open and students can register their objections till 11 pm of July 31. The last date for payment is July 31, 11:50 pm.

Challenges made by the candidates will be verified by a panel of subject experts. If the challenge of any candidate is found correct, the answer key will be revised and applied in the response of all the candidates accordingly. Based on the revised final answer key, the result will be prepared.

However, no individual candidate will be informed about the acceptance/non-acceptance of his/her challenge. The key finalised by the experts after the challenge will be final, NTA said in an official notice.

NTA also added that in bi-lingual question papers, in case of any discrepancy in the translation, the English version shall prevail except in Language Test papers.

Festive offer

NCET 2024 was conducted on July 10 from 2 to 5 pm across India. Earlier, NTA had rescheduled the NCET 2024 exam on June 12, while it was being conducted at some centres. NTA claims that since there were a total of 66 subjects, there were “too many question papers to be uploaded and in that process we faced some technical issues. The technicians quickly realised that question papers for some centres were not getting uploaded, so we decided to postpone the exam,” a senior NTA official told
