Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani tied the knot in a beautiful ceremony in Goa on February 21, 2024. They shared lovely moments from their wedding on social media, with Rakul thanking designer Tarun Tahiliani for the stunning outfits. Of particular interest were the personalised rose gold kalires with Rakul’s initials.
Rakul Preet Singh has recently brought joy to her fans by posting more beautiful pictures from her magical wedding on Instagram. Sharing the photos, she wrote, “We always dreamt of a fairytale wedding and Thankyouuuu @taruntahiliani for making that a reality .. you captured our personalities so beautifully through the essence of our outfits .. love and only love for you and your team. special mention to Mansha for all the warmth she gave us and our families.”
Check out the pictures here: