Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma has come out in support of Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s controversial film, Animal. Varma believes that the Ranbir Kapoor starrer has challenged the conventional wisdom of the film industry, which often prioritizes big budgets and extensive VFX for success. He praised Vanga for creating a high-grossing film with relatively modest production costs, demonstrating that a compelling story and strong execution can outweigh extravagant budgets.
Ram Gopal Varma continues DEFENDING Animal, calls Ranbir Kapoor starrer “least expensive film”: “Sandeep Reddy Vanga proved them wrong”
Ram Gopal Varma Lauds Sandeep Reddy Vanga
In an interview with Galatta Plus, Varma highlighted the director’s achievement: “Different kinds of audiences will like different kinds of films. I can’t believe that the same kind of audience will like both Gadar 2 and Animal. Having said that, one can like a certain dish and others can like something else. It is not, ‘I only eat this kind of food.’”
Challenges of High-Budget Films
Varma also discussed the pressure on contemporary stars to take on high-budget projects with significant production costs. “They have to. They have a competition amongst them, and every big star wants to expand his fanbase and market so that he can make bigger and bigger films. That’s technically what big stars think, and that kind of thing can only come from very heavy VFX and huge production and design costs,” he explained.
Ram Gopal Varma commended Sandeep Reddy Vanga for not following the typical high-budget formula. He noted that Animal was produced on a relatively modest scale compared to Ranbir Kapoor’s other films like Brahmastra and Shamshera. “Sandeep Reddy Vanga proved them wrong because Animal was the least expensive film; however, if you look at Ranbir Kapoor in Brahmastra or Shamshera, Animal was the cheapest film in terms of production.”
Animal’s Impact on Future Filmmaking
When asked if Animal’s success would inspire other filmmakers to adopt a similar approach, Varma was skeptical. “But because Animal happened, will other films made faster and with lesser expenses still earn as much money? That decision… I mean, so many films have been made with big production value, and Animal comes and surprises us. For filmmakers to make a film like Animal and think back, it is going to take some time. Aamir Khan cracked this by doing smaller films and big films more than 25 years back. I don’t see a single person doing that now,” he expressed.
Also Read: Ram Gopal Varma chuckles at The Kerala Story follow-up Bastar: The Naxal Story’s failure: “Everybody ignored it”
More Pages: Animal Box Office Collection
, Animal Movie Review
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