Shah Rukh Khan’s latest release, Dunki, has been performing well at the box office, and it seems the film is not only earning accolades for the superstar but also casting a spell on the audience. Actor Ridhi Dogra, who portrayed the role of Kaveri, Shah Rukh’s adopted mother in the action-packed film Jawan, recently shared a delightful experience from her visit to a theatre to watch the film.
Ridhi Dogra experiences heartwarming recognition as ‘Jawan ki mummy’ during Dunki interval
Taking to her social media platform, Ridhi recounted the heartwarming incident that unfolded during the interval of Dunki. Much to her surprise and joy, many moviegoers recognized her as ‘Jawan ki mummy’ – a character she beautifully essayed in the film. Posting about the incident on X, she playfully expressed her pride, stating, “Watching #dunki and it’s interval, and people are stopping by and meeting me as #jawan ki mummy! Yes yes, I’m proud of my son and his new film.”
Watching #dunki and it’s interval and people are stopping by and meeting me as #jawan ki mummy ! Yes yes I’m proud of my son and his new film.????????
— Ridhi Dogra (@iRidhiDogra) December 22, 2023
The endearing recognition speaks volumes about the impact of Ridhi Dogra’s performance in Jawan, where she shared the screen with Shah Rukh Khan. The film’s success at the box office not only drew audiences but also creating memorable moments for the actors involved.
Ridhi Dogra’s portrayal of Kaveri in Jawan has evidently struck a chord with the audience, as they affectionately acknowledge her in public spaces. Ridhi Dogra has enjoyed an exceptional year in her career in 2023. It started with Lakadbaggha’s release, Asur 2, Badtameez Dil, Mumbai Diaries 2, Jawan, and Tiger 3 which had been released in cinemas worldwide.
Also Read: Ridhi Dogra pens a long heartfelt note on love she is receiving for Tiger 3; shares BTS picture with Salman Khan
More Pages: Jawan Box Office Collection , Jawan Movie Review
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