Russia claims BMP-3 “invulnerability” to mines despite battlefield realities

Russia claims BMP-3 “invulnerability” to mines despite battlefield realities

Russia claims BMP-3 “invulnerability” to mines despite battlefield realities


The recent assertion by Russian state defense conglomerate Rostec regarding the mine-resistant capabilities of the BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle has been met with skepticism and astonishment from military experts and analysts.

Rostec’s claim, made by media specialists during the handover of another batch of BMP-3 vehicles to Russian troops, has ignited debate due to its stark contrast with the vehicle’s performance in real combat, particularly in Ukraine.

According to Rostec officials, the BMP-3 vehicles manufactured by Kurganmashzavod, a subsidiary of Rostec’s High Precision Systems holding, are purportedly capable of safely traversing minefields without sustaining damage. The claim hinges on the vehicle’s lightweight design, which Rostec asserts enables it to drive over mines unscathed.


“Thanks to its lightweight design, this equipment is capable of driving over mines without sustaining any damage,” the news release says.

The BMP-3, succeeding the renowned Soviet-era BMP-2, features a hull and turret constructed from aluminum alloy armor, supplemented by steel external straps, side armor displacement panels, and a double-bottom at the vehicle’s front. Despite these design features, empirical evidence from ongoing conflicts, notably the war in Ukraine since Russia’s invasion in February 2022, suggests a different reality.

Approximately 400 BMP-3 vehicles have been visually confirmed destroyed since the conflict began, underscoring their vulnerability to modern anti-tank weaponry such as Javelin missiles and Carl Gustav recoilless rifles, as well as conventional munitions like mines.

Numerous videos circulating online depict moments when BMP-3 vehicles are destroyed by mines, highlighting the absence of adequate mine protection measures and resulting in significant crew casualties. In response to this vulnerability, Russian military personnel often opt to travel atop the vehicle’s roof to enhance their chances of survival in the event of a mine detonation.

Despite efforts by Russian propaganda to portray the BMP-3 as mine-resistant, the empirical evidence from the battlefield paints a different picture, casting doubt on the accuracy of official statements regarding the vehicle’s capabilities.
