Russia-Ukraine two years on: Inside a warzone

Russia-Ukraine two years on: Inside a warzone

Russia-Ukraine two years on: Inside a warzone


Ukraine’s invasion by Russia marks its 2 years on February 24, 2024. Earlier it was expected to be a swift …

Updated: February 24, 2024 7:16 PM IST

By Video Desk

Ukraine’s invasion by Russia marks its 2 years on February 24, 2024. Earlier it was expected to be a swift military operation but it turned into a extended conflict, leaving a trail of devastation and human suffering.

The two-year-long Russia-Ukraine war has killed or wounded more than half a million people from both sides, displaced millions of Ukrainian civilians, and destroyed critical infrastructure. Ukraine is looking to secure more help from the US and its allies as donor fatigue sets in.

On the second anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine, where does the war stand, and how far have the two sides

When the war started, the whole world expected Russia to quickly overrun Ukrainian defences and occupy the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv. At the beginning of February 2022, then Chairman of the United States Mark Milley reportedly told congressional leaders that in the event of a full-scale Russian invasion, Ukraine could collapse in 72 hours. It is now two years since the invasion began — and the Ukrainians have kept the Russian forces at bay and defended their country with a lot of resolve.

On the other hand, Russia is dominating and also has been able to protect its economy from Western sanctions. Today, the Russian economy is actually booming. This is something the West did not expect.

Initially, Ukraine used drones with great success, occasionally managing to strike targets deep in Russia. But the Russians developed counter measures as well as went on to successfully adopt the use of drones themselves.
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