Superstar Shah Rukh Khan who recently celebrated his IPL team Kolkata Knight Rider’s big win against Sunrisers Hyderabad was admitted to a hospital in Ahmedabad on Wednesday as he suffered from dehydration. Even though the star was discharged the same afternoon after receiving primary care, fans across the country are concerned about his health.
SRK’s manager Pooja Dadlani shared an update on his health this afternoon on social media and she thanked all the fans and well-wishers of the superstar for their concern. She wrote, “To all of Mr Khan’s fans and well-wishers – he is doing well. Thank you for your love, prayers and concern.”
On Wednesday, Shah Rukh Khan’s wife and interior designer, Gauri Khan and his friend and co-owner of KKR, Juhi Chawla visited him at the hospital. Yesterday, after his discharge, the doctors said that Shah Rukh Khan was stable and asked him to take adequate rest.
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